Daily Archives: Februar 18, 2017

Germany and Berlin Festival

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The Central Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany issued a statement about the Berlin Festival and the movie on Django Reinhardt’s life.
They greeted the release of this movie and the fact that it was shown at the opening of the festival, stating that the festival gave a strong signal that the situation of minorities always reflects the situation of the society at large.

Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma würdigt den Berlinale Eröffnungsfilm ‚Django‘. In: Scharf Links. 13.02.2017. http://www.scharf-links.de/45.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=59445&cHash=21442e4d7e [link-preview url=”http://www.scharf-links.de/45.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=59445&cHash=21442e4d7e”]

Really ????

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Hungary is not getting better. This time, it is the celebration of the escape of Nazi forces (Hungarians and Germans) from Budapest which was encircled by the Russian army at that time. And this in Nazi uniforms …

– NEO-NAZIS, HUNGARISTS, AND ANTI-SEMITES. In: Hungarian Spectrum. 16.02.2017. http://hungarianspectrum.org/2017/02/16/neo-nazis-hungarists-and-anti-semites/ [link-preview url=”http://hungarianspectrum.org/2017/02/16/neo-nazis-hungarists-and-anti-semites/”]

Slovenia … Not Getting Better Either

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A few days ago, at the initiative of the Forum of Roma Councillors Slovenia in Novo Mesto, a meeting Rroma councillors and activists was held.

The Chairman of the Forum of Roma Councillors, Darko Rudaš, said that in recent times things happened that should never have had to happen: “Municipalities, churches and private owners sold their land on which the Roma live, and demand that they leave. Municipalities review municipal zoning plans and design commercial zones and residential neighbourhoods on land where the Roma live. This happened, for example, in the municipalities of Krško, Škocjan and elsewhere. Many Roma neighbours have become impatient and built walls near Roma settlements, such as in Grosuplje. On the other hand, in some settlements the Roma still live without basic consumer needs such as water and electricity. We must not allow our children in the 21st century to live with the lack of opportunities for personal development. This has to change, even if the government falls.”

– Če je denar za migrante, naj bo tudi za Rome. In: Svet 24. 14.02.2017. http://svet24.si/clanek/novice/slovenija/58a1b6c04e6b8/ce-je-denar-za-migrante-naj-bo-tudi-za-rome [link-preview url=”http://svet24.si/clanek/novice/slovenija/58a1b6c04e6b8/ce-je-denar-za-migrante-naj-bo-tudi-za-rome”]

Switzerland and Minorities

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The Swiss government approved the 4th report on the protection of minorities in Switzerland, a report due to the EU in the context of the Swiss signature of the convention on the protection of minorities.
Originally, the Swiss only recognised Travellers, expanded this to Travellers, Jenische, Sinti and Rroma at a later sateg and have now dropped both Travellers and Rroma.

– La Suisse poursuit ses efforts pour la protection des droits des minorités nationales. In: Albinfo. 17.02.2017. http://www.albinfo.ch/fr/la-suisse-poursuit-ses-efforts-pour-la-protection-des-droits-des-minorites-nationales/
– La Suisse manque toujours d’aires pour les gens du voyage. In: La Côte. 15.02.2017. http://www.lacote.ch/articles/suisse/la-suisse-manque-toujours-d-aires-pour-les-gens-du-voyage-636841 [link-preview url=”http://www.albinfo.ch/fr/la-suisse-poursuit-ses-efforts-pour-la-protection-des-droits-des-minorites-nationales/ “]
