Daily Archives: Februar 22, 2017

Italy and Deportation

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A judge stroke down the arrest of 4 Rromnja during a raid in Palermo on a Rroma camp. The women were separated from their husband and children and sent to Rome for deportation. Even though they had been in Italy for more than 20 years and two of them were born there…
Really??? Thanks to the judge in any case.

– Da Tribunale Roma no ad espusione donne rom fermate nel blitz al campo nomadi. Palermo Blog Sicilia. 21.02.2017. http://palermo.blogsicilia.it/da-tribunale-roma-no-ad-espusione-donne-rom-fermate-nel-blitz-al-campo-nomadi/379857/ [link-preview url=”http://palermo.blogsicilia.it/da-tribunale-roma-no-ad-espusione-donne-rom-fermate-nel-blitz-al-campo-nomadi/379857/”]

Wales and Education

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Once again Rroma are in the news on education, being the lowest achievers according to the statistics. Bad, but actually these statistics need to be looked at carefully. If you don’t know how many Rroma there are, how can you give a percentage ????

– ‘Firmer grip’ needed on education improvement grants. In: BBC News. 21.02.2017. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-39032241 [link-preview url=”http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-39032241″]

French Trend in Germany

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Germany is now emulating the French in terms of expulsions of a few Rroma from camp to camp. Latest in the series, in Frankfurt, where 30 people were evicted. Could be solved more simply …

– Rumänenlager im Gutleutviertel wird überraschend geräumt. In: Frankfurter Neue Presse. 21.02.2017. http://www.fnp.de/lokales/frankfurt/Rumaenenlager-im-Gutleutviertel-wird-ueberraschend-geraeumt;art675,2488070 [link-preview url=”http://www.fnp.de/lokales/frankfurt/Rumaenenlager-im-Gutleutviertel-wird-ueberraschend-geraeumt;art675,2488070″]
