Monthly Archives: Februar 2017

Germany – Darmstadt

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The city of Darmstadt, in Germany, will open a new museum in 2017 on the history of Rroma and Sinti.

– Darmstadt erhält ein neues Museum zur Geschichte der Sinti und Roma. In: Echo. 15.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Poland, Scrap Metal, and Rroma

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A depressing article on Poland. It is the case of Rroma who burn household appliances, electric wires etc. to recover the metal and sell it, but in the process generate a huge amount of polluting and dangerous smoke.
Residents are not amused, and this increases the tensions.
Why do they do it? Poverty…

– Śmierć dziecka niczego Romów nie nauczyła? Osada w Maszkowicach ciągle płonie. In: Sądeczanin. 15.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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A new term “Gruppenbezogene Meschenfeindlichkeit” – meaning roughly “Group related human hostility” is making the rounds in Germany.
What it means is simply racism against minorities. And the article points it out, 25% of Germans are against Rroma and Sinti.

– Ein Begriff macht Karriere: “Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit”. In: Telepolis. 11.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France: A Different Story

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For once a more positive story in France of a Rrom from Bulgaria who now works for the municipality. This simply shows that instead of chasing them again and again, France could easily absorb these ca. 25 thousand Rroma.

– VIDEO. Nikolaï, rom bulgare…devenu agent de la mairie de Paris. In: Le Parisien. 13.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Ukraine, Health, and Discrimination

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The Ombudsman has acted against discrimination of Roma in the Odessa hospital. Valery Lutkovska, Ukraine’s Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights insists that discrimination against Roma in accessing health services is inadmissible.
Monitoring the rights of Rroma in Ukraine showed that among the list of the many challenges they face, there is a particularly acute problem of discrimination in accessing health services.

– Омбудсмен выступила против дискриминации ромов в одесских больницах. In: УСИ. 14.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Girls go less to Prison – Unless …

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Girls are less prone to be arrested and put in prison, unless they are Rroma, that is. This is the conclusion of a stuty conducted by a sociologist in Paris and its neighbouring communes.

– Les filles vont moins en prison… sauf si elles sont Roms. In: Street Vox. 07.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia – the Boat is Full

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An increasing row between residents, the commune, and Rroma organisations in the town of Novo Mesto in Slovenia, about a Rroma settlement of ca. 800 residents without electricity or water.
Residents cliam the boat is full and something needs to be done.
Let’s say that Slovenia’s Rroma population is tiny… So a solution should not be that difficult, if one wants to find one!

– Dolenjskim Romom je prekipelo, po pravico gredo na Evropsko sodišče. In: Reporter. 10.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

French Mayor Condemned

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Luc Jousse, a mayor from south of France was definitively condemned for his statements following a fire in a Rroma camp in his commune. He had stated: “C’est presque dommage qu’on ait appelé trop tôt les secours” [ it is almost a pity that one called the fire brigade to early]

– Condamné pour ses propos sur les Roms, les peines de l’ancien élu Luc Jousse confirmées. In: Var Matin. 07.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

France, Rroma, and Education

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A good article by the New York Times on Rroma and education in France. And on the fact that France is less than keen in getting Rroma in its school classes.

– For Roma in France, Education Is an Elusive Path to Integration. In: The New York Times. 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary and Rroma

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Hungary highest court overturned a lower court judgement that had ruled in favour of the plaintiffs in a case of harassement of the Rroma minority. The case was filed by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union against the police of the Heves County, arguing that during the events in Gyöngöspata where extreme right militants manifested in the middle of a Rroma quarter, the police violated the Rroma’s civil rights by not preventing this march.

Hungary’s highest court, the Curia, claims judge issued wrong verdict in Gyöngyöspata case. In: Budapest Beacon. 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]


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Two young Rromnja were denied the entry in a popular nightlife passage in the centre of town, unless they would be escorted by a security guard.
This is illegal! And it is being denied too.

– Gozsdu Udvar denies Roma women entry to popular Budapest nightlife area. In: Budapest Beacon. 06.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: Pictures of an Osada

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A Slovak photograph ventured in the Osadas – The Rroma settlement that dot the Slovak landscape. These have a dreadful reputation. In the interview, the photographer speaks positively about the experience.
Look at the pictures …

– Fotí v rómskych osadách: Videli vo mne vzor. In: HN Online. 10.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France: A Mayor and Rroma

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A French Mayor accused of having prevented Rroam from going to school in her commune was cleared of all charges.

– Accusée d’avoir discriminé des Roms, la maire (LR) de Sucy relaxée définitivement. In: Le Parisien. 10.02.2017.
– Une maire accusée d’avoir refusé de scolariser des Roms mise hors de cause. In: Europe 1. 10.02.2017.
– Une maire accusée d’avoir refusé de scolariser des Roms relaxée. In: Boursorama. 10.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Mixed set of news this week. Near Paris, a camp burnt down in Rungis, and Rroma cleaned it; another camp simply “vanished” by itself before the police could intervene; and the camp of the petite ceinture gets a reprieve; and the Paris prefect is attempting a new project for the insertion of Rroma. In the North, in Loos, a militant ecologists is being tried – he is accused of running over policemen on his bicycle during a manifestation for Rroma; in Nantes, still no solutions for a squat; while in Strasbourg, Rroam were arrested for picking pockets during a concert.
– Rungis : les Roms nettoient leur camp après l’incendie. In: Le Parisien. 08.02.2017.
– Paris: Un campement « rom » évacué sans intervention de la police. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 07.02.2017.
– Paris : le tribunal accorde un sursis au bidonville du boulevard Ney. In: Le Parisien. 08.02.2017.
– Du bidonville à l’emploi, la préfecture forme des Roms. In: BFM. 06.02.2017.
– Roms de la prison de Loos : le militant cycliste a-t-il voulu foncer sur la police ? In: La Voix du Nord. 08.02.2017.
– Début du procès de l’élu écolo qui a forcé un barrage policier en vélo pour aider des Roms. In: Speech. 09.02.2017.
– Procès de Jean-Luc Munro : violence ou délit de solidarité ? In: FR3 Hauts de France. 08.02.2017.
– Les Roms du Chêne Vert toujours sans solution. In: AM. 12.02.2017.
– Pickpockets du Zénith: un troisième homme interpellé. In: DNA. 06.02.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Australia – Footballer Suspended

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The Australian Footballer Bouzanis was suspended for repeatedly calling another player a “f•cking Gypsy”… Unfortunately not the first time, neither the last. At least he was suspended.

– Melbourne City Down One More Player as Bouzanis Gets Suspended Five Games. In: Sportsblog. 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Irish Tinkers

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An interesting study about the Irish Tinkers or Travellers. According to the genetic study, while they are from Irish origins (i.e. not related to Rroma at all), they separated from the general Irish population much earlier than thought, around the late 16th century. This long time as a separate population makes them genetically distinct from nowadays’ Irish.

– Travellers as ‘genetically different’ from settled Irish as Spanish. In: The Irish Times. 09.02.2017.
– Study on ancestry of Irish Travellers details genetic connection to settled community. In: The 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Italy, Rroma, and 30 Mio

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A very large number of articles in the Italian press reported the confiscation of 30 Mio EUR of assets from 5 Sinti families in the Lazio region. According to the news, these families had created a criminal ring.
Bad for the reputation of all …

– Roma, sequestrato tesoro da 30 milioni a 5 famiglie sinti. In: Il Messagero. 09.02.2017.
– VIDEO | Ville e terreni: ecco i tesori di 5 famiglie sinti a Ladispoli e Cerveteri. In: Roma Today. 09.02.2017.
– Operazione di Dia e carabinieri tra Cerveteri e Ladispoli. In: Civonline. 09.02.2017.
– Operazione Dia: sequestrati 15 ville, un distributore ed un bar. In: Civitavecchia. 09.02.2017.
– Maxi sequestro di beni della DIA a Cerveteri e Ladispoli. In: Baraonda. 09.02.2017.
– Roma, maxi sequestro a famiglie etnia sinti: oltre 30 mln euro. In: TG Com. 09.02.2017.
– Cerveteri e Ladispoli, sequestrati beni per 30 milioni a 5 famiglie Sinti. In: Rep TV. 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Opening of the Movie Django

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The movie on Django Reinhard’s life opened at the Berlin Film festival, with some mixed critiques. During the opening, Rroma and the Holocaust were prominently cited, and comparisons with current times were made.

– Berlin Film Review: ‘Django’ In: Variety. 09.02.2017.
– Political resistance on Berlinale red carpet. In: DW. 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

An Interview with Dotschy Reinhardt

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An interview with the musician and political activist Dotschy Reinhardt. She is fighting against stereotypes and prejudice and is now also engaged in politics.
Well done!

– „Ich habe mir eine Wut angefressen“ In: TaZ. 09.02.2017.!5379918/ [link-preview url=”!5379918/”]