Monthly Archives: Februar 2017

Ukraine: Integration Policy?

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An article about the situation in the Ukraine and about the policies of the state regarding Rroma integration that are in need of a total overhaul. Mind you, the entire state is too.

– Still un-integrated: Ukraine’s Roma Integration Strategy leads nowhere. In: ERRC Blog. 09.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Speak about Human Rights

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Can only happen in the former K&K … The Czech minister for Human Rights and some of his Rroma advisors visited a socially excluded locality but did not stop to meet its Rroma residents …
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– Czech Human Rights Minister and Romani advisers visit socially excluded locality without meeting Romani residents. In: 08.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Italy and Camps …

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An official overview of Rroma in Italy. As usual, one only counts the visible ones. But this is bad enough.

– How people of ethnic minority Roma live in Italy. In: West. 07.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France: Thousand Homeless

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An article by All-Jazeera about the evictions in France that saw 10’000 Rroma evicted in 2016. What we are missing here is that these 10’000 are part of the roughly 20’000 Rroma who live in camps in France, and that this proportion is evicted almost every year.
Instead of evicting, a solution should be found. It would be cheaper!

– Thousands of Roma ‘made homeless’ in France in 2016. In: Al Jazeera. 08.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Cioaba – Further News

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An article about Cioaba’s offer to Donald Trump about the wall. One of the International Romani Union IRU (there are currently two variants thereof) and its president Zoran Dimov strictly condemned this letter and statement and stated that he currently facing a traditional Roma court procedure (called a kris) for allegedly mishandling finances during his work in the leadership of the IRU between 2013 and 2016. He is being labelled one of the “biggest malefactor”.
We fully agree that Mr. Cioaba’s letter was totally wrong. We however would have loved to see such a statement when one of the vice presidents of this IRU – Stevan Balog Radul supported the extrem rightist Hofer in the Austrian elections. That was not smart either …

– International Romani Union says offer to help Trump came from Rom facing traditional community justice procedure in Romania. In: 08.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Memorial in Austria

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In a village in Austria, a memorial was inaugurated recently naming the 22 families of Rroma and Jews that disappeared during the Nazi rule.
May they rest in peace and not be forgotten.

– Gedenktafel für ermordete Roma und Juden enthüllt. In: der Kurier. 31.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Poland: In favour of Rroma

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A court in the Cracow region gave Rroma the right to move into a house that was bought for them by the Limanowski government. The neighbour of that house had protested and the Ombudsman was called.

– Sąd: Romów można przenieść. In: Gazeta Krakowska. 06.02.2017.,11764242/ [link-preview url=”,11764242/”]

Slovakia, Ghettoes, and Opportunity

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Did you know that if you are born into a poor family in Denmark or in Estonia, you have a good opportunity to achieve success in life regardless of ethnicity? But in Slovakia, it is very likely that you will remain poor and so will your children. Especially so if you are born in an Osada – a Rroma settlement.
This must change!

– Skúste si predstaviť, že sa narodíte do rómskej osady. In: Trend. 02.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Stefan Eicher

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The Swiss and internationally renowned musician Stefan Eicher is embarking on a new endeavour, trying to find his Jenisch roots. He is a prominent member of that minority who was severely discriminated against in Switzerland.

– Die Musik einer Minderheit. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 01.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Football Again

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Seems that racism and prejudice are an integral part of Football. This time this is an Australian goalkeeper who was fined for having insulted another player, calling him a “f*cking Gypsy” …
What a surprise.

– City keeper in hot water for shocking racial slur. In: Yahoo AU Sports. 05.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary and Rroma Holocaust

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What happens in Hungary do on Holocaust Day? Well, the Rroma Holocaust Centre in Csepel announced it will close for lack of funds. They lack 110k USD.

– Roma Holocaust center closes in Csepel due to lack of funding. In: Budapest Beacon. 30.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Rome: Illegal Occupation

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A recent news from Rome with the illegal occupation by 50 Rroma of a disused factory.
As usual, these articles stress the criminality of such occupations, not the need for lodging.

– Roma, Fdi: “Nomadi occupano stabile ‘a insaputa’ del M5S”. In: Il Giornale. 04.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Bad Press

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The latest news in the French speaking part of Switzerland give a really bad light on Rroma: A human trafficker – bringing in beggars and prostitutes to Switzerland was condemned. To ne noted the trafficker does not seem to be a Rrom, something that will be probably lost on the readers.
In another story, child weddings are being celebrated in Switzerland too. And of course, Rroma are also cited.
In another of those stories, four young Rroma are in court for the rape of a minor Swiss girl near Lausanne.
Overall, what a picture this gives of Rroma … Even though there are 80-100’000 well integrated Rroma in the country.

– Un convoyeur de mendiants roms condamné. In: La tribune de Genève. 01.02.2017.
– Mariages de mineurs célébrés aussi en Suisse. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 29.01.2017.
– Une «tournante» met la justice dans l’embarras. In: 24 Heures. 31.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]


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This story is so not typical of Slovakia that one almost asks oneself how is this possible. A private school in Bratislava wants to attract Rroma, especially disabled ones to the school. The school costs over 2’00 EUR per year, a sum which is beyond the reach of many Rroma families, and subsidies will be given …

– Na súkromné bratislavské gymnázium chcú prilákať Rómov, deti na vozíčku aj z chudobných rodín. In: Dennik. 01.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A Rrom on Fico

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The interview of a Rroma in Romea – and his statements on the Slovak prime minister Fico.

– Stano Daniel: Fico’s the “gypsy”, I am a Rom. In: Romea. 03.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Hate Speech …

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An extremist who posted racist views on Rroma and Hungarians and who was condemned in first instance to 40 months of prison appealed. He got two years on probation instead.

– Extrémista na internete osočoval Rómov a Maďarov, dostal podmienku. In: Aktuality. 31.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Christian Clavier’s Latest Movie

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The French comic Christian Clavier’s latest movie “A bras ouvert” [with open arms] tells the story of a Frenchman who lodges a family of Rroma… Needless to say, all clichés are there.

– Bande-annonce : Christian Clavier accueille les Roms “A bras ouverts” In: OZAP. 03.02.107.
– A bras ouverts : Christian Clavier accueille des Roms chez lui [Bande-annonce]. In: L’Internaute. 31.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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Very few news this week around Rroma in France – probably because between Trump and Fillon – the presidential candidate mired in an affair of fictitious jobs for his wife – left nop space in the papers for Rroma …
The petite ceinture camp in the North of Paris is not yet closed and can stay; a camp in Villiers le Bel, near Paris, has been closed; the story of a camp in the South West, miserable; and finally, children as the victims of the life in the street.

– Paris : le bidonville de la Petite Ceinture en sursis. In: Le Parisien. 03.02.2017.
– Un camp de roms démantelé à Villiers-le-Bel. In: Paris Vox. 02.02.2017.
– Un campement de misère dans l’impasse. In: Sud Ouest. 31.01.2017.
– “On n’est pas dangereux, on a juste besoin d’aide” : qui sont ces enfants qui vivent dans la rue en France ? In: France Info. 31.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary: Jobbik’s Party Day

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Jobbik, the Hungarian extreme rightist party held its first conference of the year a few days ago. Its leader, Gabor Vona is trying to shed some of the most racist sides of his party to make it more “mainstream”.
Let’s not be fooled… They are all extremely anti-Rroma, anti-Jews, and anti-Moslems.

– HUNGARIAN FAR-RIGHT JOBBIK PARTY HOLDS YEAR-OPENING CONFERENCE. In: Hungary Today. 30.01.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Czech Republic: A Father’s Plea

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The father of a Rroma who was killed in front of a restaurant after having been beaten by customers and staff has filed a complaint against the Czech police decision to suspend the investigation in the death of his son.

– VIDEO: Father of deceased Romani man says he has filed complaint against suspension of investigation. In: 02.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]