Daily Archives: März 3, 2017

Ireland and Travellers

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An Irish genetical study recently showed that Travellers, while of Irish origins, are a separate group following several centuries of de-facto separation.
And very shortly thereafter, the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) and the Dail (Parliament) recognise them as an ethnic group.

P.S. Switzerland please take heed… After 600 years in the country, Rroma are still not recognised as a minority.

– ‘He walks with his head down. No more’ – Taoiseach recognises Traveller ethnicity in the Dáil. In: The Journal. 01.03.2017. http://www.thejournal.ie/taoiseach-recognises-traveller-ethnicity-3265759-Mar2017/ [link-preview url=”http://www.thejournal.ie/taoiseach-recognises-traveller-ethnicity-3265759-Mar2017/”]


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An article in Austria… Two couples of thieves stole a few hundred euros from shops in an Austrian town. So far, nothing special. But the description is not:
“Vermutlich Volksgruppe Roma/Sinti” – Probably from Roma/Sinti ethnicity …
Did they ask the thieves for a racial attestation?

– Gauner-Quartett räumte Kassa in zwei Geschäften aus. In: BVZ.at. 24.02.2017. http://www.bvz.at/oberpullendorf/warnung-vor-trickdieben-gauner-quartett-raeumte-kassa-in-zwei-geschaeften-aus/37.999.021 [link-preview url=”http://www.bvz.at/oberpullendorf/warnung-vor-trickdieben-gauner-quartett-raeumte-kassa-in-zwei-geschaeften-aus/37.999.021″]

Hungary: More on the New Alliance

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Jews and Rroma joined force in Budapest to combat right wing extremism. This is new, and this is good, as both minorities are in the crosshair of extremists.

– In Budapest, Roma and Jews use alternative JCC to fight right-wing populism. In: JTA. 27.02.2017. http://www.jta.org/2017/02/27/news-opinion/world/in-budapest-roma-and-jews-turn-alternative-jcc-into-anti-government-hub
– In Budapest, Roma and Jews turn alternative JCC into anti-government hub. In: The Jewish Standart. 02.03.2017. http://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/in-budapest-roma-and-jews-turn-alternative-jcc-into-anti-government-hub/ [link-preview url=”http://www.jta.org/2017/02/27/news-opinion/world/in-budapest-roma-and-jews-turn-alternative-jcc-into-anti-government-hub “]
