Daily Archives: März 7, 2017

Well …

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Odd news today … A couple of Rroma is suing the organisers of a fair for using the name Gypsies. But actually they are right … Who would thing of calling a fair the N word.

– Romani Gypsies accuse travelling ‘gypsy’ fair of exploiting gypsy culture. In: New Zealand Herald. 05.03.2016. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11812277 [link-preview url=”http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11812277″]

Germany and Travellers

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Seems that Germany is following the Swiss model and increasingly tries to prevent travelling Rroma from camping…

– Scharfe Diskussionen um Wohnwagenlager in Freising. In: Merkur.de. 06.03.2016. https://www.merkur.de/lokales/freising/freising-ort28692/freising-diskussionen-um-aufenthalt-in-freising-7505033.html [link-preview url=”https://www.merkur.de/lokales/freising/freising-ort28692/freising-diskussionen-um-aufenthalt-in-freising-7505033.html”]

Slovakia: Documentary on Rroma Holocaust

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Robert Kirchhoff was born in 1968 in Nitra and studied documentary production and dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He is a film director, screenwriter, producer, and cameraman, and has had a number of films that have won awards at domestic and foreign festivals. Amongst others, he made documentaries Hey, Slovaks !, Ghost in the Machine, The Case Cervanová, etc. and was a producer and co-producer of films like Blind Loves Disease of the Third Power, in Ash.
From 2003 to 2016, he has been preparing a documentary on the Holocaust of Roma and Sinti called A “Hole in the Head”, which will have its premier in March 2017. He has interviewed many survivors of the Holocaust and recorded their fate.

– Vyhľadal Rómov a Sintov, ktorí prežili holokaust, a natočil skutočné diery v hlave. Etno safari odmietol. In: Dennik. 01.03.2017. https://dennikn.sk/681418/vyhladal-romov-a-sintov-ktori-prezili-holokaust-a-natocil-skutocne-diery-v-hlave-etno-safari-odmietol/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/681418/vyhladal-romov-a-sintov-ktori-prezili-holokaust-a-natocil-skutocne-diery-v-hlave-etno-safari-odmietol/”]
