Daily Archives: März 8, 2017

US State Department Criticises Romania

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The US State Department strongly criticised Romania for corruption but also for its treatment of Rroma as well as for its mistreatment of detainees. Discrimination against Rroma is rampant in Romania.

– U.S. Department of State criticizes Romania on mistreatement of detainees, Roma discrimination and corruption. In Actmedia. 08.03.2017. http://actmedia.eu/daily/u.s.-department-of-state-criticizes-romania-on-mistreatement-of-detainees-roma-discrimination-and-corruption/68384 [link-preview url=”http://actmedia.eu/daily/u.s.-department-of-state-criticizes-romania-on-mistreatement-of-detainees-roma-discrimination-and-corruption/68384″]


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Students of the university of Reading stages a „Pikey“ night. The term refers to Gypsy and Travellers and is exceedingly derogatory.
After protests, the students apologised.
A bit late in our opinion. They certainly would not have staged a “N..” night, so why about Rroma?

– Reading students apologise for ‘pikey night’ social. In BBC News. 07.03.2017. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-berkshire-39190588 [link-preview url=”http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-berkshire-39190588″]

Thürigen and Graves

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The German state of Thürigen followed the lead of other German regions and now protects the graves of Rroma and Sinti holocaust victims. Many of thé families of these victims cannot afford the yearly fee and thus according to German customs, the graves would have been removed 25 years after the death of the person.
Good that those who survived the holocaust can rest in peace.

– Thüringen schützt Gräber von verfolgten Sinti und Roma. In: t-online. 07.03.2017. http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_80559474/thueringen-schuetzt-graeber-von-verfolgten-sinti-und-roma.html [link-preview url=”http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_80559474/thueringen-schuetzt-graeber-von-verfolgten-sinti-und-roma.html”]
