Daily Archives: März 14, 2017

We Did not Need That Either …

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According to the “Supreme Board Member of the Federation of Roma Associations Ahmet İzgi”, a majority of Rroma are going to vote in giving Erdogan full powers and are grateful of Erdogan.
Who by the way closed Sulukule, the oldest Rroma Mahala (settlement) in Istambul, and relocated Rroma outside, or whose police goes on rampage in Rroma settlements like in Izmir, and so on.
SHAME on them.

– Grateful Roma citizens express backing for Turkey’s constitutional changes. In: Daily Sabah. 12.03.2017. https://www.dailysabah.com/elections/2017/03/13/grateful-roma-citizens-express-backing-for-turkeys-constitutional-changes

Canada and Hungarians …

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Seems that Canada has been deporting a disproportionate amount of Hungarians. Actually, according to a Law professor specialised in immigration law, most of them were Rroma… So it seems that there is a pattern here …

– Why are so many Hungarians deported? A look at Canada’s ‘Unwelcome Index’. In: The Globe and Mail. 12.03.2017. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-are-so-many-hungarians-deported-a-look-at-canadas-unwelcomeindex/article34247385/

Rome – No More Camps – Not!!!

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In spite of promises from the municipality and its Five Stars Mayor, Rome is ready to open a new Rroma camp on its outskirts “as a temporary measure” …
On March 7th, the Welfare Department has approved a measure aimed at identifying a new “picnic area” (SIC!) intended to “welcome and provide a staying possibility for 120 Roma families “, with a “service management”. In practice it is a new settlement to replace the current “Camping River”, in which there are 420 people, for which management services will expire on June 30 of this year.

– Roma, dal comune ok a un nuovo campo rom. Campidoglio: “Misure temporanee. Obiettivo è superare i villaggi”. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. 13.03.2017. http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2017/03/13/roma-dal-comune-ok-un-nuovo-campo-rom-campidoglio-misure-temporanee-obiettivo-e-superare-villaggi/3447711/
– Roma, il Campidoglio dà l’ok a un nuovo campo Rom per 400 persone. In: ForexInfo. 13.03.2017. https://www.forexinfo.it/Roma-Campidoglio-nuovo-campo-rom
