Daily Archives: März 26, 2017

Turin: Bad Press

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All that we need … A band of Sinti Piemontese in Turin is known for having committed armed burglaries with stolen cars and license plates… 8 of them were arrested recently.

– TORINO, SPACCATE E FURTI NOTTURNI: CATTURATI 8 SINTI. In: Roma Daliy News. 23.03.2017. https://www.romadailynews.it/cronaca/torino-spaccate-furti-notturni-catturati-8-sinti-0306308 [link-preview url=”https://www.romadailynews.it/cronaca/torino-spaccate-furti-notturni-catturati-8-sinti-0306308″]

Slovakia and Rroma Settlements

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One thorny subject in Slovakia is land ownership in the Rroma settlements. The Rroma there are mostly without any formal ownership, leaving them vulnerable to evictions and resettlement.
An amendment to the current law of land ownership is in review in the Slovak Parliament, and would allow for transfer of ownership and compensation for the owners. Let’s see how the law will work out in reality.

– Novela o vysporiadaní pozemkov pod obydliami Rómov je v 2. Čítaní. In: Teraz. 23.03.2017. http://www.teraz.sk/slovensko/nrsr-novela-o-vysporiadani-pozemkov-po/250657-clanok.html [link-preview url=”http://www.teraz.sk/slovensko/nrsr-novela-o-vysporiadani-pozemkov-po/250657-clanok.html”]

French Chronicle …

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It seems that with the polemics on the Front National politician on gold teeth, the rest of the news is pretty much concentrated in the North of France… Why is a mystery, but clearly one speaks more about Rroma in the North of France than in any other region of the country bar Paris.
More closures in Roubaix, on the Quai de Bordeau; and with one squat being on the list of impeding closures; in Ronchin, where the former school Sainte Thérèse has been closed and is now being sealed to prevent any other arrival; and finally for the North, the arrest of a 14 years old Rroma boy following a theft, and who was recognised by a women who was sexually assaulted, prompting the closure of several camps in Lille.
Other news in France cover the interpellation of Marine Le Pen in the South of France by a Rrom on the affair of the gold teeth; the visit of an “insertion village” in the Isère by the Minister of Housing; and a reportage on children sleeping in the rough in Caen, in Normandie.

– Les Roms du quai de Bordeaux seront-ils expulsés vers le camp des Couteaux? In: La Voix du Nord. 22.03.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/136539/article/2017-03-22/les-roms-du-quai-de-bordeaux-seront-ils-expulses-vers-le-camp-des-couteaux
– Les Roms du quai de Bordeaux seront-ils expulsés vers le camp des Couteaux? In: Nord Éclair. 22.03.2017. http://www.nordeclair.fr/46277/article/2017-03-22/les-roms-du-quai-de-bordeaux-seront-ils-expulses-vers-le-camp-des-couteaux
– Le squat de la rue Nain risque aussi l’évacuation. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.03.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/136537/article/2017-03-22/le-squat-de-la-rue-nain-risque-aussi-l-evacuation
– Loin de la Roumanie, Adrian et Maritza découvrent la première maison de leur vie. In: La Voix du Nord. 23.03.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/136675/article/2017-03-23/loin-de-la-roumanie-adrian-et-maritza-decouvrent-la-premiere-maison-de-leur-vie
– Désamiantage puis demolition. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.03.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/136672/article/2017-03-22/desamiantage-puis-demolition
– Arrêté pour vol ce dimanche, un ado de 14 ans reconnu par une joggeuse agressée en 2016. In: La Voix du Nord. 20.03.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/135671/article/2017-03-20/arrete-pour-vol-ce-dimanche-un-ado-de-14-ans-reconnu-par-une-joggeuse-agressee
– Au nom des Roms, il interpelle Marine Le Pen. In: Nice Matin. 22.03.2017. http://www.nicematin.com/politique/au-nom-des-roms-il-interpelle-marine-le-pen-123503
In: Place Grenet. 24.03.2017. http://www.placegrenet.fr/2017/03/24/emmanuelle-cosse-au-village-du-rondeau-on-a-besoin-de-ces-lieux-la/129266
– Chaque nuit à Caen, des enfants dorment à la rue. In: Ouest France. 22.03.2017. http://www.ouest-france.fr/normandie/caen-14000/chaque-nuit-caen-des-enfants-dorment-la-rue-4876378 [link-preview url=”http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/136539/article/2017-03-22/les-roms-du-quai-de-bordeaux-seront-ils-expulses-vers-le-camp-des-couteaux “]

France, the Front National and Gold Teeth

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The Front National politician, Franck Sinisi, who last week suggested that one could recover the gold the gold teeth from the Rroma to pay for their lodging (really!) is being investigated by his own party.
Well, good that the FN realised this is not acceptable, but do we believe that they are really serious about that? There have been too many politicians of that party, starting with Jean Marie Le Pen himself who have made such statements.

– Isère: L’élu FN qui proposait de «récupérer les dents en or des Roms» va passer en commission de discipline. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 22.03.2017. http://www.20minutes.fr/lyon/2035375-20170322-isere-elu-fn-proposait-recuperer-dents-or-roms-va-passer-commission-discipline
– Il proposait de “récupérer les dents en or” des Roms: un élu FN de Fontaine (Isère) en commission de discipline. In: FR3 Auvergne Rhône Alpes. 22.03.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/isere/grenoble/il-proposait-recuperer-dents-roms-elu-fn-fontaine-isere-commission-discipline-1219127.html
– L’élu FN qui veut “récupérer les dents en or” des Roms sanctionné ? In: Lyon Capitale. 23.03.2017. http://www.lyoncapitale.fr/Journal/Lyon/Actualite/Actualites/L-elu-FN-qui-veut-recuperer-les-dents-en-or-des-Roms-sanctionne
UN ÉLU FN PROPOSE DE “RÉCUPÉRER (LES)DENTS EN OR” DES ROMS POUR FINANCER LEUR HÉBERGEMENT. In: LCI. 19.03.2017. http://www.lci.fr/politique/isere-un-elu-fn-propose-de-recuperer-les-dents-en-or-des-roms-pour-financer-leur-hebergement-2029614.html
«Récupérer les dents en or des Roms» : un élu FN se lance dans le grand n’importe quoi. In: Rue89. 24.03.2017. http://www.rue89lyon.fr/2017/03/24/recuperer-dents-en-or-roms-elu-fn-fait-parler-de-lui/
POLÉMIQUE « RÉCUPÉRER LES DENTS EN OR » DES ROMS, LA PROPOSITION CHOC D’UN ÉLU FN. In: VSD. 20.03.2017. http://www.vsd.fr/actualite/polemique-recuperer-les-dents-en-or-des-roms-la-proposition-choc-d-un-elu-fn-20315 [link-preview url=”http://www.20minutes.fr/lyon/2035375-20170322-isere-elu-fn-proposait-recuperer-dents-or-roms-va-passer-commission-discipline “]
