Daily Archives: März 27, 2017

A Novel on Holocaust

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A new novel by the German Author Heiko Haumann tells the story of a Rromni during the Nazi period in Germany and the aftermath.
Good that this is being dealt with in Germany! Other countries would do well to dwell on this period of history.

– Von Vorurteil, Willkür und staatlichem Unrecht. In: Badische Zeitung. 25.03.2017. http://www.badische-zeitung.de/elzach/von-vorurteil-willkuer-und-staatlichem-unrecht–134907235.html [link-preview url=”http://www.badische-zeitung.de/elzach/von-vorurteil-willkuer-und-staatlichem-unrecht–134907235.html”]

Jean Marie Le Pen

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Well, he went up to the European Court of Human Rights to fight his fine for racism against Rroma. Well, he was kicked out…
About time!

– Propos sur les Roms. Jean-Marie Le Pen débouté de sa requête. In: Ouest France. 23.03.2017. http://www.ouest-france.fr/societe/justice/propos-sur-les-roms-jean-marie-le-pen-deboute-de-sa-requete-4878592 [link-preview url=”http://www.ouest-france.fr/societe/justice/propos-sur-les-roms-jean-marie-le-pen-deboute-de-sa-requete-4878592″]

Slovakia and Rroma Education

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A long article by a researcher from Amnesty International on the constant discrimination and exclusion of Rroma children in Slovakia. The situation is just simply not improving fast enough.

– EN SLOVAQUIE, LES MAUVAISES NOTES DU PAYS SUR LE SUJET DES ENFANTS ROMS. In: Amnesty International. 24.03.2017. https://www.amnesty.fr/discriminations/actualites/slovaquie-mauvaises-notes-sur-le-sujet-des-enfants-roms [link-preview url=”https://www.amnesty.fr/discriminations/actualites/slovaquie-mauvaises-notes-sur-le-sujet-des-enfants-roms”]
