Daily Archives: März 31, 2017

A Comparison

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An interesting parallel between some of the Nazi’s methods and the ones used by the Alt Right nowadays…

– The American right is criminalizing immigrants. In: Global Comment. 31.03.2017. http://globalcomment.com/american-right-criminalizing-immigrants/ [link-preview url=”http://globalcomment.com/american-right-criminalizing-immigrants/”]

Canada and Rroma

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10 Rroma from Levoče, were denied boarding in Warsaw for a flight to Canada, in spite having all necessary papers.

– Stali sa obeťami rasizmu? Levočských Rómov nepustili do lietadla. In: TA3. 28.03.2017. http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1102578/stali-sa-obetami-rasizmu-levocskych-romov-nepustili-do-lietadla.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1102578/stali-sa-obetami-rasizmu-levocskych-romov-nepustili-do-lietadla.html”]


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The Capitoline council rejected 23 against 5 the popular initiative for the closure of the Rroma camps around the city. It seems that the Five Star Mayor of Rome and here associates have a peculiar view of “Integration”

– Roma, la giunta Raggi boccia la delibera sulla chiusura dei campi nomadi. In: Il Giornale. 30.03.2017. http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/roma-giunta-raggi-boccia-delibera-sulla-chiusura-dei-campi-1380907.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/roma-giunta-raggi-boccia-delibera-sulla-chiusura-dei-campi-1380907.html”]
