Monthly Archives: März 2017

Slovakia: Documentary on Rroma Holocaust

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Robert Kirchhoff was born in 1968 in Nitra and studied documentary production and dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He is a film director, screenwriter, producer, and cameraman, and has had a number of films that have won awards at domestic and foreign festivals. Amongst others, he made documentaries Hey, Slovaks !, Ghost in the Machine, The Case Cervanová, etc. and was a producer and co-producer of films like Blind Loves Disease of the Third Power, in Ash.
From 2003 to 2016, he has been preparing a documentary on the Holocaust of Roma and Sinti called A “Hole in the Head”, which will have its premier in March 2017. He has interviewed many survivors of the Holocaust and recorded their fate.

– Vyhľadal Rómov a Sintov, ktorí prežili holokaust, a natočil skutočné diery v hlave. Etno safari odmietol. In: Dennik. 01.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bern and City Nomads

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The so-called “Stadtnomaden” or “City Nomads”, a group of alternative people living in caravans in field on the city outskirts were originally forced to move every three months per decree from the municipality. They now successfully claimed the same rights as the travellers and are now allowed to stay for a full 6 months on the same place.
Very nomadic …

– Stadtnomaden dürfen neu sechs Monate bleiben. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 01.03.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovenia and Basic Rights

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Some deputies are trying to force the issue of Rroma slums in Slovenia by proposing that the government pay a lump sum to all municipalities with Rroma camps and force them to provide basic services (water and electricity) to the Rroma.
The Forum of Rroma Councillors, which represents two thirds of the Rroma in that country is welcoming this proposal.

– Še en poskus urejanja romske problematike. In: Delo. 03.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France and Education

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The story of a young Rroma boy who went to school but can no longer register and be admitted in one.

– Basti, enfant rom de 10 ans, voudrait simplement aller à l’école. In: Nord Éclair. 01.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

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An overview of the various Rroma groups in Western and Northern Europe based on language and historical documents… [link-preview url=””]

Django, the Movie

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A good critique and review of the movie on Django Reinhardt.

– A film about the legendary guitarist: Django. In: The World Socialist Web Page. 04.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Again …

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Yet another Daily Mail article, this time about the christening of a Rroma boy in Slovakia with lots of money splashed around.
We do not need this – really.

– It’s a Big Fat Gypsy… christening! Baby covered in £550 worth of banknotes and handed a dummy on a gold chain in Roma ceremony costing £25,000. In: Daily Mail. 04.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

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Lots of news in France this week on the aggressions in the North of France in Lille, following aggressions and petty thefts, two Rroma camps were closed by the municipality. This follows the closure of other camps in Lille following claims of sexual aggressions by Rroma minors. Bad, and a lot of articles.
On a more “normal” footing, a camp is being closed in Hellemes, in the North of France; one camp was closed in Paris near Porte de la Chapelle; a fire in Vitry, near Paris forced the evacuation of ca. 70 Rroma; another fire occurred in Montpellier is a camp; yet another fire destroyed a camp in Grimaud, near St. Tropez in the South of France; and finally, a camps is awaiting it closure in Marseilles.

– L’évacuation du camp rom précipitée par les plaintes pour agressions. In: La Voix du Nord. 02.03.2017.
– Agressions à la Citadelle : Un premier camp de Roms démantelé. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 02.03.2017.
– A Lille, la mairie demande l’évacuation de Roms après plusieurs agressions. In: Europe 1. 27.02.2017.
– Le camp rom de l’ancienne imprimerie H2D très bientôt évacué. In: La Voix du Nord. 01.03.2017.
– Paris : un campement de Roms évacué au nord de la ville. In: Le Parisien. 28.02.2017.
– Incendie à Vitry : 70 Roms évacués quai Jules-Guesde. In: Le Parisien. 01.03.2017.
– Montpellier : incendie dans un campement de Roms. In: France Info Occitanie. 26.02.2017.
– Un camp de roms prend feu, une demi-douzaine de caravanes et mobil-homes part en fumée. In: Var Matin. 27.02.2017.
– Un camp de Roms en sursis à Marseille. In: France Info Provence Côte d’Azur. 28.02.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia: Opposition to Rroma Community Centre

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In Poprad, a petition against a Rroma Community Centre was signed by 1’300 people… And it is supported by the city hall. A lawyer of the Rroma says that such petitions should not encourage the violation of the constitution. He is right.

– V Poprade sú výhrady proti komunitnému centru pre Rómov. In: 24 Hodin. 27.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary and Racism

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An interesting article about a recent speech by Viktor Orban on “Ethnic Homogeneity” …
Scary and mad in a country which, according to the Austro Hungarian Empire counted 30% of Magyar at the end of the 19th century…

– SCANDAL AFTER SCANDAL: TRYING TO HIDE THE REAL MEANING OF “ETHNIC HOMOGENEITY”. In: Hungarian Spectrum. 02.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Rroma Education

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There have been many articles recently that thematise the segregation of Rroma children in the Slovak education system and the consequences thereof. Also in Slovakia itself.
Good that this gains traction!

– Roma segregation – Slovakia’s evergreen problem. In: The Slovak Spectator. 01.03.2017.
– Slovakia continues to allow discrimination against Roma children. In: EURAKTIV. 02.03.2017.
– Rights groups: Slovakia discriminates against Roma kids. In: Associated Press. 28.02.2017.
– Slovak Roma Students Still Segregated Says Report. In: TOL. 02.03.2017.
– AI: Slovensko nezabezpečuje rovný prístup rómskych detí k vzdelaniu. In: Spravy Pravda. 01.03.2017.
– Amnesty International preháňa, tvrdí Kaliňák o kritike segregácie Rómov. In: TA3. 25.02.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Ireland and Travellers

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An Irish genetical study recently showed that Travellers, while of Irish origins, are a separate group following several centuries of de-facto separation.
And very shortly thereafter, the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) and the Dail (Parliament) recognise them as an ethnic group.

P.S. Switzerland please take heed… After 600 years in the country, Rroma are still not recognised as a minority.

– ‘He walks with his head down. No more’ – Taoiseach recognises Traveller ethnicity in the Dáil. In: The Journal. 01.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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An article in Austria… Two couples of thieves stole a few hundred euros from shops in an Austrian town. So far, nothing special. But the description is not:
“Vermutlich Volksgruppe Roma/Sinti” – Probably from Roma/Sinti ethnicity …
Did they ask the thieves for a racial attestation?

– Gauner-Quartett räumte Kassa in zwei Geschäften aus. In: 24.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary: More on the New Alliance

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Jews and Rroma joined force in Budapest to combat right wing extremism. This is new, and this is good, as both minorities are in the crosshair of extremists.

– In Budapest, Roma and Jews use alternative JCC to fight right-wing populism. In: JTA. 27.02.2017.
– In Budapest, Roma and Jews turn alternative JCC into anti-government hub. In: The Jewish Standart. 02.03.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

France and Schools

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The French Republic is no longer what it used to be … Yet another case of a mayor refusing to enrol Rroma children in school, one of the fundamental rights in that country.

– Prémesques : la commune s’oppose à la scolarisation d’enfants roms. In: FR3 Hauts de France. 27.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Education

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Another article on the failure of the Slovakian school system for Rroma. And it is unfortunately true in many cases.

– Government failing to educate, integrate Roma children. In: Al Jazeera. 02.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Poland – It made it to the West

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The results of the survey on foreigners and minorities in Poland are slowly coming to the west. This study shows that more than 50% of the Poles regard Rroma negatively.

– Wen die Polen mögen. In: Polen Heute. 27.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Canada – Immigrants yes, Rroma – Maybe

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Canada welcomes migrants, well yes, and very good. Rroma are another matter. That is more difficult.

– Canada’s own immigration ban. In: Al Jazeera. 27.02.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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Local Roma and Sinti organisation from Hessen sharply criticised the relocation policies of the city of Frankfurt. The city relocated Rroma from a slum into a state sponsored housing.
And they put 39 people in three rooms … With one shower.

– 3 Zimmer für 39 Personen. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 27.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]