Daily Archives: April 13, 2017

Slovenia – Better?

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Things are apparently getting better for Rroma in Slovenia. Really? There are still numerous problems, mostly related to the Rroma settlements whose existence is threatened by the lack of property titles, and who are seldom hooked up to municipal services. Fact is, Slovenia, with its tiny Rroma population, could do better.

– Življenje Romov se izboljšuje, a ponekod primanjkuje volje. In: MMC. 08.04.2017. https://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/zivljenje-romov-se-izboljsuje-a-ponekod-primanjkuje-volje/419340 [link-preview url=”https://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/zivljenje-romov-se-izboljsuje-a-ponekod-primanjkuje-volje/419340″]

Slovakia: Interview of a Mayor

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The interview of the mayor of the town of Spišský Hrhov. This mayor is special, as he has been employing Rroma for nearly two decades in his company. And guess what, it works!

– Celý systém je nastavený na majoritu, preto nefunguje na Rómov. In: ETrend.sk. 12.04.2017. https://www.etrend.sk/trend-archiv/rok-2017/cislo-15/cely-system-je-nastaveny-na-majoritu-preto-nefunguje-na-romov.html [link-preview url=”https://www.etrend.sk/trend-archiv/rok-2017/cislo-15/cely-system-je-nastaveny-na-majoritu-preto-nefunguje-na-romov.html”]

Romania, Rroma, and the Holocaust

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Romania is being pressed to acknowledge and compensate Rroma victims of the mass deportations which occurred during World War Two. A law from 2000 actually guarantees a pension of 55 Euros per month for each year of detention in a camp during the war, but this is not currently extended to the Rroma.

– La Roumanie doit “rendre justice” aux Roms déportés par les pro-nazis. In: La Libre. 08.04.2017. http://www.lalibre.be/actu/international/la-roumanie-doit-rendre-justice-aux-roms-deportes-par-les-pro-nazis-58e8c77fcd70812a654df7d0 [link-preview url=”http://www.lalibre.be/actu/international/la-roumanie-doit-rendre-justice-aux-roms-deportes-par-les-pro-nazis-58e8c77fcd70812a654df7d0″]
