Daily Archives: April 20, 2017

France, the Election, and the Rroma

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It seems that many municipalities and officials in France are using the distraction of the upcoming presidential election to evict Rroma disregarding any procedures and laws…
Bad, but unfortunately not surprising.

– “Im Wahlkampf ungehemmt gegen Roma hetzen”. In: ZDF. 18.04.2017. http://www.heute.de/frankreich-im-wahlkampf-gegen-roma-hetzen-46972724.html [link-preview url=”http://www.heute.de/frankreich-im-wahlkampf-gegen-roma-hetzen-46972724.html”]

Portugal – Photo Reportage

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A major photo project has started in Portugal, documenting the lives of the Portuguese Rroma. The German photographer, Florian Schwarz will take portraits of the Rroma as part of a project on migrations in Europe that will lead him to Romania and to Lapland.

– Ciganos: Portuguese Roma in major German photo project – by Len Port. In: Portuguese American Journal. 19.04.2017. http://portuguese-american-journal.com/ciganos-portuguese-roma-in-major-german-photo-project-by-len-port/ [link-preview url=”http://portuguese-american-journal.com/ciganos-portuguese-roma-in-major-german-photo-project-by-len-port/”]

Portugal and Integration

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The Portuguese government announced plans at the municipal level to better integrate its Rroma minority. According to a EU survey of Rroma in Europe, also conducted in Portugal, 71 percent of Rroma in that country suffered discrimination within the past five years, and 47 percent in the 12 months preceding the study. This is one of the worst results of the countries surveyed.

– Government announces municipal plans to better integrate gypsy communities. In: The Portugal News Online. 12.04.2017. http://theportugalnews.com/news/government-announces-municipal-plans-to-better-integrate-gypsy-communities/41649 [link-preview url=”http://theportugalnews.com/news/government-announces-municipal-plans-to-better-integrate-gypsy-communities/41649″]
