Daily Archives: April 27, 2017

Pikey …

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Orland Bloom has been in the middle of a controversy following his use of the term “Pikey” on a show.

– Orlando Bloom explains use of ‘pikey’ term on Radio 1. In: BBC News. 27.04.2017. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-39726655 [link-preview url=”http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-39726655″]

AfD …

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Again one AfD member shows the true colours of that German Party. He is being sued by Roma and Sinti organisations for racism after having posted a post on Facebook stating „Kann es sein, daß wir ein Zigeunerproblem haben?“ – [can it be that we have a Gypsy problem]…The post continued on the increased criminality that came as the result of the migration of Romanian and Bulgarian Rroma.

– AfD Saalekreis Kreisvorsitzender Tillschneider wegen Facebook-Post angezeigt. In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. 26.04.2017. http://www.mz-web.de/saalekreis/afd-saalekreis-kreisvorsitzender-tillschneider-wegen-facebook-post-angezeigt-26767902 [link-preview url=”http://www.mz-web.de/saalekreis/afd-saalekreis-kreisvorsitzender-tillschneider-wegen-facebook-post-angezeigt-26767902″]

Slovakia: New Land Ownership Rules

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Starting in September, the new land ownership rules take effect in Slovakia. The new rules allow for consolidation of land, something the country badly needs. However, this leaves Rroma exposed, as most of them do not have any landownership. There are provisions in the new law to allow Rroma in settlement to construct better homes, but the fear is that these will not suffice.

– Pozemky Rómov s novými pravidlami. In: Hospodarske Noviny. 26.04.2017. http://hnporadna.hnonline.sk/clanky/950406-pozemky-romov-s-novymi-pravidlami [link-preview url=”http://hnporadna.hnonline.sk/clanky/950406-pozemky-romov-s-novymi-pravidlami”]
