Daily Archives: April 28, 2017

An American View on Rroma …

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A fairly activist view of Rroma – with quite a few historical inaccuracies (slavery and serfdom for Rroma was only in Romanian lands, etc.).
What is bad in such representations is that it stereotypes Rroma just as victims and states “Colloquially referred to as “gypsies” for their supposed Egyptian heritage, the Roma are a heterogeneous ethnic group without a single common language, religion, or cultural tradition”. This is totally inaccurate – as there is a single common language and traditions, and only religion is different, taking the religion of the region in which they settled.

– Europe’s Vilified Minority: The Roma Through Pictures. In: The Politic. 27.04.2017. http://thepolitic.org/europes-vilified-minority-the-roma-through-pictures/ [link-preview url=”http://thepolitic.org/europes-vilified-minority-the-roma-through-pictures/”]

Slovakia – Poprad

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Residents from a suburb of Poprad are trying to get rid of Rroma from their neighbourhood and are trying to prevent a community centre from being built.

– V Poprade sa komplikuje spolužitie Rómov s majoritou, pomôcť majú hliadky. In: TA3. 27.04.2017. http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1104374/v-poprade-sa-komplikuje-spoluzitie-romov-s-majoritou-pomoct-maju-hliadky.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1104374/v-poprade-sa-komplikuje-spoluzitie-romov-s-majoritou-pomoct-maju-hliadky.html”]
