Monthly Archives: April 2017

Poland and Rroma

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The case of the resettlement of the Rroma from Limanowa is now in front of the courts. The municipality of Limanowa tried to move the Rroma living in a building that is close to collapse in the centre of the town to another house in another village … The resident of this other village tried to stop the move too.
In brief, they were simply trying to get rid of Rroma …

– Sądy głowią się nad sprawą przeprowadzki Romów z Limanowej. In: Wyborcza. 15.04.2017.,44425,21641309,sady-glowia-sie-nad-sprawa-przeprowadzki-romow-z-limanowej.html?disableRedirects=true [link-preview url=”,44425,21641309,sady-glowia-sie-nad-sprawa-przeprowadzki-romow-z-limanowej.html?disableRedirects=true”]

Slovakia and Rroma

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The Slovak politician Matovič wants to solve Roma problems in his country. His OĽANO Movement therefore submitted a bill for the next parliamentary meeting so that Roma children are required to attend pre-school for three years. He added, that if parents did not comply, they would commit a criminal offense. This latter point is maybe not the best idea…
In addition, he said: “80 years ago, Adolf Hitler showed his finger first to the Jews, the Disabled and the Roma stating that they were lowering our standard of living. Today we have two people, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) and Marián Kotleb (LSNS) who use this rhetoric. They say it’s our problem that we’re sick of it. In fact, Prime Minister Robert Fico has had ten years of government and caused 50,000 other Romani children to grow without adequate education”.

– Matovič chce riešiť problémy Rómov: Ak by sa rodičia zmenám bránili, bol by to trestný čin! In: Pluska. 19.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine – Kiev and Settlements

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The situation is not getting better in Kiev. After the eviction of one settlement on April 5th, and then the burning and closure of an informal settlement on April 13th, Rroma have asked for police protection and the ombudsman was called in.
The situation in Ukraine is getting worse for Rroma.

– Як органи влади реагують на виселення ромів у Києві? In: Hromanske Radio. 17.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France, the Election, and the Rroma

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It seems that many municipalities and officials in France are using the distraction of the upcoming presidential election to evict Rroma disregarding any procedures and laws…
Bad, but unfortunately not surprising.

– “Im Wahlkampf ungehemmt gegen Roma hetzen”. In: ZDF. 18.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Portugal – Photo Reportage

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A major photo project has started in Portugal, documenting the lives of the Portuguese Rroma. The German photographer, Florian Schwarz will take portraits of the Rroma as part of a project on migrations in Europe that will lead him to Romania and to Lapland.

– Ciganos: Portuguese Roma in major German photo project – by Len Port. In: Portuguese American Journal. 19.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Portugal and Integration

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The Portuguese government announced plans at the municipal level to better integrate its Rroma minority. According to a EU survey of Rroma in Europe, also conducted in Portugal, 71 percent of Rroma in that country suffered discrimination within the past five years, and 47 percent in the 12 months preceding the study. This is one of the worst results of the countries surveyed.

– Government announces municipal plans to better integrate gypsy communities. In: The Portugal News Online. 12.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

An Archive for Rroma Art

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An article on the RomArchive project, a project aimed at preserving and showcasing Rroma Art.

– Endlich sichtbar warden. In: Der Tagesspiegel. 17.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hamburg – A new Memorial

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Hamburg unveiled a new memorial on the site of the Hannover Railway station, from which more than 8’000 people – Jews and Rroma – were deported.

– Hamburg gedenkt verschleppter Juden, Sinti und Roma. In: Die Welt. 18.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo: Poisoned Rroma

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The Rroma who were forced to resettle is a UN camp and were poisoned by lead that contaminated the site are still awaiting an apology and a compensation. It looks increasingly possible they will get neither.

– Roma Sickened in U.N. Camps Are Still Waiting for Redress. In: The New York Times. 18.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovenia – Better?

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Things are apparently getting better for Rroma in Slovenia. Really? There are still numerous problems, mostly related to the Rroma settlements whose existence is threatened by the lack of property titles, and who are seldom hooked up to municipal services. Fact is, Slovenia, with its tiny Rroma population, could do better.

– Življenje Romov se izboljšuje, a ponekod primanjkuje volje. In: MMC. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: Interview of a Mayor

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The interview of the mayor of the town of Spišský Hrhov. This mayor is special, as he has been employing Rroma for nearly two decades in his company. And guess what, it works!

– Celý systém je nastavený na majoritu, preto nefunguje na Rómov. In: 12.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Romania, Rroma, and the Holocaust

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Romania is being pressed to acknowledge and compensate Rroma victims of the mass deportations which occurred during World War Two. A law from 2000 actually guarantees a pension of 55 Euros per month for each year of detention in a camp during the war, but this is not currently extended to the Rroma.

– La Roumanie doit “rendre justice” aux Roms déportés par les pro-nazis. In: La Libre. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Rroma in Europe

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A few things to know according to the ERRC … Some inaccuracies on the history though

– [link-preview url=””]

Rroma in Switzerland: The Fight for Recognition is On

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Rroma in Switzerland are asking for the recognition of the Rroma minority in that country.

– Les Roms en Suisse: une minorité qui se bat pour être reconnue. In: SWI Swiss Info. 07.04.2017.ée-internationale-des-roms_les-roms-en-suisse–une-minorité-qui-se-bat-pour-être-reconnue/43062934
– Les Roms veulent plus de reconnaissance. In: La Tribune de Genève. 06.04.2017. [link-preview url=”ée-internationale-des-roms_les-roms-en-suisse–une-minorité-qui-se-bat-pour-être-reconnue/43062934 “]

Buchenwald – Minute of Silence

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72 years since the liberation of Buchenwald were marked yesterday by a minute of silence.
May they rest in peace.

– Minute’s silence at Buchenwald concentration camp marks 72 years since liberation. In: Deutsche Welle. 11.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Buchenwald – Commemoration

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A commemoration was held for the anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald.

– Survivors, mourners mark liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp. In: Deutsche Welle. 09.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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While most news this last week were devoted to the reaction on the movie ‘A bras Ouverts”, there are nevertheless quite a few news on camps and evictions, unfortunately.
Camps closures in Grigny, in the Essonne, in Lagny sur Marne and in Champlan, near Paris; in Dijon, volunteers constructed house for Rroma (GOOD!); in Bordeaux, several squats will be destroyed this summer; for in Marseilles, association protested the upcoming destruction of a camp; and in Antibes, in the South, a camp was closed with the help of the police.

– Grigny : les derniers habitants du bidonville de l’A6 ont plié baggage. In: Le Parisien. 04.04.2017.
– Les démantèlements de camps de Roms reprennent. In: Essonne Info. 04.04.2017.
– Lagny-sur-Marne: Une dizaine de Roms dormira une nuit dans un gymnase. In: La Marne. 04.04.2017.
– Huit familles de Roms expulsées à Champlan. In: Essone Info. 06.04.2017.
– Dijon : les habitants construisent des maisonnettes aux Roms. In: France Bleu. 08.04.2018.
– Squats de Roms dans la métropole de Bordeaux : l’urgence d’une vraie solution. In: Sud Ouest. 10.04.2017.
– Marseille: Les associations pour la défense des roms poussent un coup de gueule. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 10.04.2017.
– Les associations de défense des Roms à bout de nerfs. In: Marsactu. 11.04.2017.
– Antibes: Près de 100 Roms évacués d’un squat avec l’intervention des CRS. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 05.04.2017.
– Les Roms qui squattaient le parking Bouygues à Antibes ont été délogés. In: Nice Matin. 06.04.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

France: The Movie “With Open Arms”

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The moive “A bras ouverts” – with open arms – is rightly seen in France as being racist. Many articles on this topic, and on the stereotypes.
So while it is bad that such a movie was made, it is definitively good that it prompts quite a bit of discussion, and good discussion.

– “A bras ouverts”, la comédie qui présente les Roms “comme des sauvages”. In: L’OBS. 06.04.2017.
– “A bras ouverts” vu par une Rom : “On n’est pas des sauvages, on est juste des étrangers”. In: L’OBS. 06.04.2017.
– En colère, des associations de défense des Roms dénoncent le film “A bras ouverts” et évoquent une “humiliation”. In: 06.04.2017.
– «A bras ouverts», la comédie sur les Roms qui donne la nausée. In: RFI. 06.04.2017.
– «A bras ouverts» : la comédie sur les Roms ne fait pas rire Marnes-la-Coquette. In: Le Parisien. 06.04.2017.
– A bras ouverts, un film raciste? “Les Roms c’est facile, il ne va pas y avoir de réactions trop violentes”. In: BFM TV. 06.04.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

EU, Italy, and Rroma

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About 1000 Rroma were evicted from their settlement in Naples, right after the EU commission decided not to proceed on the discrimination case against Italy.

– ‘They are throwing us on the street like dogs’ – Europe abandons the Roma in Italy. In: Amnesty International. 07.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]