Monthly Archives: April 2017

Mexico and Rroma

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An interesting article on Balkan Music and Rroma in Mexico. The country has a rather significant population of Kalderaša and related groups.

– MUSICA BALCÁNICA Y CULTURA GITANA: SUS RAÍCES EN MÉXICO. In: Pikama Surf. 31.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

National States and Rroma

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Three authors reflect on Rroma slave labour was used to build Europe’s prosperity. Interesting views, especially on the national states but not fully convincing, especially since the phenomena they are describing are only relevant in the Romanian states and to a less extent in the K&K
– ‘The best Roma in the village is the Roma who works as a servant’. In: Open Democracy. 07.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland …

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What does it mean to be Rrom in Switzerland. The testimony of a young Rromni.

– «Ich bin eine stolze Zigeunerin» In: 20 Minuten CH. 08.04.2017.–28812711 [link-preview url=”–28812711″]

The Vatican …

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A key aid to Pope Francis wants to end discrimination against Rroma. Good, but from the Church, also very late …

– Key papal aide wants end to discrimination against Gypsies. In: Crux. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

The Šutka …

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All Jazeera published a long article on the Šutka in Skopje, one of the largest Mahala in the Balkans.

– Shutka: Inside Macedonia’s only Roma-run municipality. In: Al Jazeera. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Sweden Celebrates Roma Day

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Quite a few celbrations in Stockholm on the occasion of the International Roma Day.

– All together now: Sweden celebrates International Roma Day. In: Euronews. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Greece and International Roma Day

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Greece’s president paid respect to Rroma on the occasion of the international Rroma day. He stated that Rroma are an integral part of Greek society!

– Pavlopoulos pays tribute to Roma. In: Ekathimeri. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Clichés

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The view on Rroma in Switzerland is still dominated by clichés. Several Rroma tell their side of the story!

– Schweizer schockieren Roma mit bösen Klischees.In: 20 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

US Envoy on Rroma in Slovakia

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The US Envoy in Slovakia is writing about Rroma in Slovakia on the International Roma Day. He seems optimistic. Let’s hope.

– There are efforts for positive changes in Roma community. In: The Slovak Spectator. 08.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia – International Rroma Day

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A bit of background for Slovakia’s citizen who don’t necessarily know much about Rroma. Not fully accurate, but a start…

– V Európskej únii žije 6 miliónov Rómov, v celej Európe až 12 miliónov. In: Spravy Pozri. 07.04.2017.,-v-celej-Europe-az-12-milionov/1143775 [link-preview url=”,-v-celej-Europe-az-12-milionov/1143775″]

Italy: The Association of the 21st of July on the International Roma Day

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An interview in the Vatican press of the Association of the 21st of July on the situation of Rroma in Italy. Good that the Vatican writes about the still prevalent discrimination against Rroma in that country.

– Giornata internazionale rom e sinti, inclusione ancora lontana. In: Radio Vaticana. 07.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

International Roma Day

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A bit of history of the 8th of April … The International Roma Day was a consequence of the first Rroma World Congress on April 8th, 1971.

– ĐELEM, ĐELEM! INTERNATIONALER TAG DER ROMA UND SINTI (VIDEO). In: Kosmo. 07.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Parody …

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Valeriu Nicolae takes a parodic view at the stereotypes that he is confronted almost daily in his work.

– Putting to bed Roma myths. In: Euractiv. 07.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

EU, Italy, and Rroma

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Infringement proceedings against Italy were blocked at the highest level of the European Commission. This puts many Rroma in Italy at risk of eviction and continues to expose them to discrimination.

– Hundreds of Roma to be forcibly evicted as EU leader’s refusal to sanction Italy exposed. In: Amnesty International. 06.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: 8th April Actions

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Rroma organisations in Switzerland had a day of action yesterday ahead of the 8th April International Roma Day. Their main call: recognition of the Rroma as a Swiss Minority.

– Vorurteile gegen Roma wegtanzen. In: Der Bund. 06.04.2017.
– Roma wehren sich gegen Vorurteile. In: Vaterland. 07.04.2017.;art103,262482 [link-preview url=” “]

USA, Trump, and Racists

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A White House aide, Sebastian Gorka, endorsed the Magyar Garda, a paramilitary group related to the extreme rightist Hungarian party, Jobbik. The Garda has been involved in racist acts against Rroma, but also against Jews and the LGBT community.
Thanks Mr. Trump.

– Trump Aide Endorsed Group That Harasses Roma And Gays, Pushes Anti-Semitism. In: Right Wing Watch. 04.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Action Day

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A day with the Rroma in Switzerland. On the 6th, several Rroma organisations are staging an information campaign and a political action for the recognition of Rroma as a Swiss National Minority.

– Ein Tag mit den Roma. In: Berger Zeitung. 06.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Poland: Pogrom Against Rroma

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On Friday evening, a gang of about 40 men attacked Rroma in the city of Katowice in Silesia.
Several of the men were arrested by the police. Several Rroma were beaten up with baseball bats.

– Odśpiewali “Sto lat” przed aresztem i ruszyli na Romów. Padł strzał. In TVN24. 03.04.2017.,51/odspiewali-sto-lat-pod-aresztem-i-ruszyli-na-romow-padl-strzal,728900.html
– Rasistowski atak na Romów w Zabrzu. Padły strzały. 03.04.2017. [link-preview url=”,51/odspiewali-sto-lat-pod-aresztem-i-ruszyli-na-romow-padl-strzal,728900.html”]

Romania – Really?

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An article is a perfect illustration of implied racism against Rroma… This time, be cause – surprise – a Rrom returned a wallet with 1’300 EUR to the police in Arad. Implied thought here is that “normally” Rroma would have stolen it, hence the newsworthiness.
When you think about the corruption of the country, it seems that Rroma are small fishes at most if (and not when) they ever steal.

– Roma man finds wallet with money on a street in Arad, gives it to the police. In: Romania Insider. 04.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Romani Rose – Presentation of the Book

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The book on Romani Rose, president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma is being presented in Heidelberg.

– Das Leben des Heidelberger Menschenrechtlers Romani Rose. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 05.04.2017.,-Heidelberg-Biografie-vorgestellt-Das-Leben-des-Heidelberger-Menschenrechtlers-Romani-Rose-_arid,266323.html [link-preview url=”,-Heidelberg-Biografie-vorgestellt-Das-Leben-des-Heidelberger-Menschenrechtlers-Romani-Rose-_arid,266323.html”]