Monthly Archives: April 2017

France, Front National and Gold Teeth

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The mayor of the small town of Fontaine, near Grenoble, has decided to ask justice to intervene following the comments of one of the members of the council, the Front National member Franck Sinisi who had proposed to remove gold teeth from Rroma to pay for their lodgings.
This time it seems that the extreme right party is acting fast to limit collateral damage, probably due to the upcoming presidential elections.

– “Récupérer les dents en or” des Roms: le maire de Fontaine, en Isère, veut saisir la justice. In: FR3 Auvergne Rohne Alpes. 30.03.2017.
– Thibaut Monnier, patron du FN en Isère : “Quand il y a une brebis galeuse, on s’en occupe tout de suite”. In: France Bleu. 30.03.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Italy: Festival in Isernia

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A large festival on the Rroma culture will open its doors next week end in Isernia.

– [link-preview url=””]

Pogrom in Transylvania

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The small city of Gheorgheni (in Hungarian Gyergyószentmiklós) is a town mostly inhabited by ethnic Hungarians (Székler) in Transylvania.
On Friday, there was a massive pogrom against the Rroma of that city. At least five families were taken out of their houses, beaten up and the houses were burnt to the ground. The police is looking for 20 to 30 people…

– Selbstjustiz, Rassismus oder Bandenkrieg? “Ungarn” verüben Pogrom an Roma in Rumänien. In” Pester Lloyd. 03.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma Housing in Slovakia

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A project – DOM.ov – in Slovakia is trying to help Rroma get better housing and build houses rather than continue living in shacks in settlements. The issue is always land ownership and authorisations to built, which are often not given on the site of the settlements.
These two issues prevent many Rroma from building better houses, and leaves them in precatory. The project aims to break up this by legalising the land, and obtaining permits and grants via microcredit.

– Rómovia nedostanú všetko zadarmo, musia sporiť a dom si kúpiť z pôžičky. In: Dennik. 02.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Brussels’ Rroma Week

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Last week was the by now traditional Rroma Week in Brussels, an event organised by the European Parliament and European Commission, with ca 40 representatives of Rroma NGOs being invited for the event.
It is meant for the Rroma activists to be able to meet MPs from various European Countries and discuss with them the issues and problems of Rroma in their respective countries.

– Bruselj v znamenju tedna Romov. In: RTVSLO. 01.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

France: (im)possible Integration?

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An article pondering whether the integration of Rroma in France is truly impossible (it is clearly not) and bemoaning the lack of debate on this issue during the current presidential election campaign.

– Intégration des Rroms en France, mission (im)possible ? In: Respect Mag. 27.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Opposition to Settlement

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The Limanowa Municipality voted against the extension of a Rroma housing project in a Rroma settlement. This project is sponsored by the governor of the region and was suppose to lodge several families in a new housing block.
Bad …

– Sesja z rezolucją przeciwko zapowiedzi wojewody ws. Romów. In: Limanowa. 02.04.2017.;sesja-z-rezolucja-przeciwko-zapowiedzi-wojewody-ws-romow,36156.html [link-preview url=”;sesja-z-rezolucja-przeciwko-zapowiedzi-wojewody-ws-romow,36156.html”]

Slovakia: No Rroma in School

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Protests erupted when it became known that some Rroma children would be allocated to various elementary schools. Non Rroma parents strongly objected and theretened to take their children away.
It illustrates what still needs to be done in that country.

– VIDEO Rómov v našej škole nechceme! Sexu rozumejú lepšie ako my, kričali rodičia. In: Pluska. 01.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: More than 1’000 Rroma Threatened with Expulsion

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More than 1’300 Rroma in Neaple are threatened with expulsions. Their camp will be closed shortly and the municipality will re-lodge only 200 of them.
Same story as in Rome… Who profits from these camps? Same corruption, same unwillingness to find a solution.

– ITALIE : PLUS D’UN MILLIER DE ROMS MENACÉS D’EXPULSION. In: Amnesty International. 29.03.02017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Apart from the controversy following an interview of the actors of Clavier’s film, not htat many news in France on the Rroma.
First, an article on the impact of the expulsions on school attendance by Rroma children. Clearly, these expulsions do nothing for integration. Then, near Paris, protests by Rroma in Ivry, following their expulsion and the lack of alternative lodgings; the story of the “insertion village” in St. Genis les Ollières near Lyon; some questions on travellers’ sites in the North of France; near Nantes, 120 expulsed Rroma moved to another site; a protest in Fontaine, near Grenoble (where one FN politician suggested one should take the Rroma’s golden teeth); Rroma asking for a reprive in Nice until Easter; and finally, an association defending Rroma in Toulouse.

– La reprise des expulsions menace la scolarisation des enfants roms. In: FR3 Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. 30.03.2017.
– Roms d’Ivry : les oubliés du bidonville Truillot attendent toujours un lodgement. In: Le Parisien. 29.03.2017.
– St-Genis-les-Ollières : la vie du village d’insertion. In: FR3 Auvergne Rhône Alpes. 30.03.2017.
– Comment sont gérées les aires d’accueil pour les gens du voyage ? In: Nord Éclair. 31.03.2017.
– Nantes Le campement Rom d’Indre a rejoint Bouguenais. In: Presse Océan. 29.03.2017.
– Près de Nantes, 120 Roms expulsés d’Indre s’installent à Bouguenais. In: Ouest France. 28.03.2017.
– Les Roms demandent un sursis jusqu’à Pâques. In: Nice Matin. 01.04.2017.
– François Piquemal (DAL) : «Toulouse doit rester à ses habitants » In: La Dépèche. 02.04.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Music Journey to the Origins

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A musical theatrical journey to the roots of the Rroma, to North-western India. The play is a collaboration of the Marc Sinan company and the Dresdner Symphony Orchestra.

– Musikalische Reise zu den Wurzeln der Sinti & Roma. In: T-Online. 28.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France: Less Racism, but not Against Rroma

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Jews, Blacks [sic.], and Asians are the best accepted minorities in France. Rroma and Travellers are the most rejected minority in France, far beyond Moslems. Marseilles is just an example …

– Le racisme anti-Roms sévit à Marseille. In: France Inter. 30.03.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

A Joke Too Far

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Controversy in France … During an interview round on the new Clavier Film “A Bras Ouverts” [with open arms] about a French bourgeois lodging a Rroma family, Patrick Cohen found it suitable to say: « Ils envahissent aussi les salles de cinéma ? Pardon… ». [now they are also invading movie theatres]
No comments, apart from the fact that the movie is so full of clichés that it is a shame. No one would have dared to do it on another minority.

– C à vous : Patrick Cohen fait une blague très douteuse sur les Roms (VIDEO). In: Télé 2 Semaines. 30.03.20-17.
– “C à Vous” : Patrick Cohen provoque un grand malaise avec une blague sur les Roms (Vidéo). In: Closer. 30.03.2017.
– “C à vous” : Patrick Cohen provoque un malaise avec une blague sur les Roms. In: Paris Match. 30.03.2017.
– C à vous : La blague gênante de Patrick Cohen sur les Roms, malaise en plateau (vidéo). In: Yahoo. 30.03.2017.à-vous-la-blague-194359984.html
– #CAVous : Malaise après une blague de Patrick Cohen sur les Roms. In: Potins. 30.03.2017. [link-preview url=”à-vous-la-blague-194359984.html “]