Daily Archives: Mai 6, 2017

Kotleba and Culture

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Yet another case where Kotleba’s party doesn’t quite like culture when it is not “pure” Slovak one… Here, they wanted to close an Art school, mostly for Rroma in the Banska Bystrica region. The ministry of education had to intervene.

– Barbar Kotleba: Kontroverzný župan sa pokúsil zlikvidovať umeleckú školu. Jej žiakmi sú najmä Rómovia. In: Pluska. 06.05.2017. http://www.pluska.sk/plus-7-dni/domov/kotleba-vs-plavcan.html [link-preview url=”http://www.pluska.sk/plus-7-dni/domov/kotleba-vs-plavcan.html”]

Romania, Kitsch, and Rroma

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A new museum opened in Bucharest. It is a museum of kitsch. And a section thereof is devoted to Rroma kitsch – as stated in the article “A section on Roma, or Gypsies, regurgitates stereotypes. A pregnant Gypsy woman stands next to a model baby lying on the ground and a metal bucket full of sunflower seeds, the image of a poor Roma woman. In another corner, there are photos of ornate houses with turrets which are labelled “Gypsy Architecture,” a style of house favoured by some well-off Roma.”
Well in this case it is not only kitsch but also stereotypes.

– Romanian Kitsch Museum opens in Bucharest. In: WPXI News. 05.05.2017. http://www.wpxi.com/news/national-news/ap-top-news/romanian-kitsch-museum-opens-in-bucharest/519633181 [link-preview url=”http://www.wpxi.com/news/national-news/ap-top-news/romanian-kitsch-museum-opens-in-bucharest/519633181″]

France, the Elections, and Manouches

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A 91 years old Manouche, Raymond Gureme, who himself is a Holocaust survivor, warns against Le Pen. Let’s hope for tomorrow. And it is good that such views are put forward!

– Roma Raymond Gureme warns of civil war if Le Pen wins. In: Al Jazeera. 06.05.2017. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/05/roma-holocaust-survivor-civil-war-le-pen-wins-170506075159631.html [link-preview url=”http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/05/roma-holocaust-survivor-civil-war-le-pen-wins-170506075159631.html”]
