Daily Archives: Mai 8, 2017

Slovenia and Discrimination

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A video game is trying to measure the bias against Rroma in Slovakia. It is trying to assess the discrimination that goes unreported.
Interesting experiment.

– Discrimination in action: the value of experiments in human rights. In: Open Democracy. 05.05.2017. https://www.opendemocracy.net/ana-bracic/discrimination-in-action-value-of-experiments-in-human-rights [link-preview url=”https://www.opendemocracy.net/ana-bracic/discrimination-in-action-value-of-experiments-in-human-rights”]

Slovakia – Roma Plenipotentiary

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Ábel Ravasz, the Roma plenipotentiary for the Slovak Government has some quite stereotypical ideas on Rroma… He states – partially rightly so, that many don’t speak Rromanes and that the younger generation tends to loose the language; but then ignores history when he says Rroma arrived in several waves from the 17th century; are a very diverse minority; are a patriarchal society; and so on…
Maybe get your facts rights …

– Rómovia hovoriaci po maďarsky sú pre Maďarov Cigáni a pre Rómov Maďari. A Slovákom sú úplne ukradnutí. In: Plus 7 Dni. 07.05.2017. http://www.pluska.sk/plus-7-dni/domov/nerom-terene.html [link-preview url=”http://www.pluska.sk/plus-7-dni/domov/nerom-terene.html”]
