Daily Archives: Mai 18, 2017

Rroma Resistance Day in Romania

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Some pictures of the Rroma Resistance Day in Romania.

– Romania Romania Resistence Day. In: The Gazette. 16.05.2017. http://gazette.com/romania-romania-resistence-day/article/feed/461448 [link-preview url=”http://gazette.com/romania-romania-resistence-day/article/feed/461448″]

Slovakia – 7 Years

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Ten police officers were freed of all charges for their abuse of Rroma children in Lunik IX, one of the notorious Rroma neighbourhoods of Kosice. The police officers allegedly forced the Rroma under the threat of violence to kiss each other in the corridor of the District Police Department of Košice, they had to strip, were forced with a gun on their head to lick the police officer’s shooes, and so on. The cops recorded the incident on mobile phones, sending shots to other colleagues, a scrawled and scratched record she got to the editor of the SME journal and published the content.
Bad that they went free.

– Súd opäť oslobodil obžalovaných v kaze šikanovania rómskych detí. In: Spravy Pravda. 17.05.2017. https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/429760-sud-opat-oslobodil-obzalovanych-v-kaze-sikanovania-romskych-deti/ [link-preview url=”https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/429760-sud-opat-oslobodil-obzalovanych-v-kaze-sikanovania-romskych-deti/”]
