Daily Archives: Mai 20, 2017

Slovakia, the Police, and Abuse

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An article in English this time about the policemen in Kosice who abused several children and were freed by the court recently.

– Court again frees policemen charged with bullying Roma boys. In: The Slovak Spectator. 17.05.2017. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20535570/court-again-frees-policemen-charged-with-bullying-roma-boys.html [link-preview url=”https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20535570/court-again-frees-policemen-charged-with-bullying-roma-boys.html”]

Belgrade, the Police, Rroma, and Abuse

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A Rroma couple were abused at a police station – detained, threatened with imprisonment, a gun was put on their head, etc… All because they went to tell the police THEIR car had been stolen.
Purely racist abuse.

– Roma Tortured by Police in Belgrade After Reporting Stolen Car. In: ERRC. 16.05.2017. http://www.errc.org/article/roma-tortured-by-police-in-belgrade-after-reporting-stolen-car/4576 [link-preview url=”http://www.errc.org/article/roma-tortured-by-police-in-belgrade-after-reporting-stolen-car/4576″]

Belgrade, the Police, and Rroma

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The municipal police in Belgrade has been caught forbidding Rroma children to play in a municipal park – they were filmed and the video was posted online.

– Police blasted for not letting Roma children play in park. In: B92. 19.05.2017. http://www.b92.net/eng/news/society.php?yyyy=2017&mm=05&dd=19&nav_id=101323 [link-preview url=”http://www.b92.net/eng/news/society.php?yyyy=2017&mm=05&dd=19&nav_id=101323″]
