Daily Archives: Mai 21, 2017

Kindergartens in Romania

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A view on a project in Romania that helped fund kindergartens in Romania and managed to have about 1’000 young Rroma properly enrolled in pre-school.
Good, but this is a drop of water on a hot stone. Where is the state whose responsibility it is after all?

– Guest article: Making positive changes for Roma children sustainable. In: EPHA. 15.05.2017. https://epha.org/making-positive-changes-for-roma-children-sustainable/ [link-preview url=”https://epha.org/making-positive-changes-for-roma-children-sustainable/”]

Slovak President and Rroma

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The Slovak president sharply criticised the lack of results in fighting poverty among Rroma. The Slovak President said he is convinced that the failure to address Rroma issues reflects the country’s inability to manage its public affairs.

– Slovak President sharply criticizes shabby results in combating Romani poverty. In: Romea.cz. 20.05.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/slovak-president-sharply-criticizes-shabby-results-in-combating-romani-poverty [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/slovak-president-sharply-criticizes-shabby-results-in-combating-romani-poverty”]

Lety, and an Activist

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An article about Jožka Miker, a Rroma activist. He engages himself among other things into closing the pig farm that stands on the site of the former concentration camp of Lety, where many relatives of his wife were killed during the war. This fight has been ongoing since at least 25 years, and is still not closed.

– JOŽKA GEGEN DIE SCHWEINEMAST – VOM KAMPF UM WÜRDIGES ERINNERN AN DAS ROMA-KZ LETY. In: Radio Prague. 18.05.2017. http://www.radio.cz/de/rubrik/kaleidoskop/jozka-gegen-die-schweinemast-vom-kampf-um-wuerdiges-erinnern-an-das-roma-kz-lety [link-preview url=”http://www.radio.cz/de/rubrik/kaleidoskop/jozka-gegen-die-schweinemast-vom-kampf-um-wuerdiges-erinnern-an-das-roma-kz-lety”]
