Daily Archives: Mai 22, 2017

Slovakia and Al-Jazeera

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A Slovak reaction to a reportage about Rroma in Slovakia. The Al-Jazeera reportage is considered objective, well informed, and representative, also in its political analysis.

– Týždeň vo svetových médiách: Arabská televízia o Ficovi, Kotlebovi a Rómoch. In: Aktuality. 20.05.2017. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/487788/tyzden-vo-svetovych-mediach-arabska-televizia-o-ficovi-kotlebovi-a-romoch/
– Life in Slovakia’s Roma slums: Poverty and segregation. In: Al-Jazeera. 10.05.2017. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/04/life-slovakia-roma-slums-poverty-segregation-170425090756677.html [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/487788/tyzden-vo-svetovych-mediach-arabska-televizia-o-ficovi-kotlebovi-a-romoch/ “]

Slovenia – the War and Partisans

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A short article about the War in Slovenia and testimonies about summary executions carried out by partisans – also executing Rroma.

– Komunistični zločini: Umorili so kogarkoli. In: Reporter. 21.05.2017. http://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/komunisticni-zlocini-umorili-so-kogarkoli-513536 [link-preview url=”http://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/komunisticni-zlocini-umorili-so-kogarkoli-513536″]

Slovakia and the Police Case

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The lawyer of the Rroma who sued the police for abuse following their arrest and abuse and who were acquitted last week, believes that the court will change the decision to free cops. According to the lawyer, it is incomprehensible that the District Court refused to accept the incriminating video as evidence without having to carry out an expert opinion. The prosecution appealed the verdict in any case.

– Advokátka týraných Rómov verí, že súd zmení rozhodnutie o oslobodení policajtov. In: Spravy Pravda. 18.05.2017. https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/429913-advokatka-tyranych-romov-veri-ze-sud-zmeni-rozhodnutie-o-oslobodeni-policajtov/ [link-preview url=”https://spravy.pravda.sk/domace/clanok/429913-advokatka-tyranych-romov-veri-ze-sud-zmeni-rozhodnutie-o-oslobodeni-policajtov/”]
