Monthly Archives: Mai 2017

Kosovo and Lead Poisoning

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The European Roma Right Centre is demanding justice and compensation for the internally displaced Rroma in Kosovo who were quartered by the UN on a site that was severely polluted, resulting in lead poisoning for many of them.
This was 18 years ago!!!!

– ERRC Demands Justice for Kosovo Victims of Lead Poisoning. In: ERRC. 15.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

France: Holocaust Commemoration

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On the day of the Rroma resistance, commemorating the uprising of Rroma in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Rroma celebrated in St. Denis, next to Paris.

– Saint-Denis : les Tziganes se souviennent de leurs combats d’hier… et d’aujourd’hui. In: Le Parisien. 14.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Land Laws

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The Slovak parliament approved amendments to the land law facilitating land consolidation and also helping settle the topic of land ownership of the Rroma settlements in the country.
Nice, but let’s see how it will be applied.

– Poslanci schválili novelu o vysporiadaní pozemkov pod obydliami Rómov. In: Aktuality. 11.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France: Festival in Lyon

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The Gypsy Lyon Festival will open its doors on the 18th of May in Lyon, France.

– Croix-Rousse : le Gypsy Lyon Festival revient pour une 8e edition. In: Lyon Capitale. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Rroma Critique the EU

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The European Roma Federation (ERZ) is very critical of the EU institutions, accuses them of systematic anti-Roma bias and says that they do not want to deal with the Roma and to admit that they are European citizens. This was the message from a two-day international conference Roma in Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

– Evropska romska zveza zelo kritična do ustanov EU. In: STA. 12.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Eurovision and Rroma

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Joci Papaj’s performance at the Eurovision song contest is lauded by Rroma and Jews in Hungary!

– Roma, Jews in Hungary laud Gypsy singer’s Eurovision progress. In: Times of Israel. 12.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

UK: Traveller’s Fair

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Some pictures of one of the oldest traveller’s fair in the country.

– ROMA FROM HOME. Crystal balls, donkeys and litres of fake tan on display at annual traveller fair as hundreds of families from across the UK descend on quiet town. In: The Sun. 12.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma and Sinti in Italy

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Some statistics on Rroma and Sinti in Italy – where their number is estimated at being between 120 and 180 thousands.

– Rom e Sinti in Italia. In: La Stampa. 11.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Exhibition on Holocaust

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An exhibition on the Rroma Holocaust opened last week in Nurenberg.

– “Rassendiagnose: Zigeuner” im Dokumentationszentrum. In: Bayrischer Rundfunk. 09.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

31 Percent

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31 percent of Eastern European questioned in a survey would not accept Rroma as citizen …

– Many Eastern Europeans Reject Jews, Muslims and Roma, Pew Data Shows. In: Yahoo News. 11.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

More on Rome …

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More on the arson attack which killed three sisters.

– Pope sends comfort and aid to gypsy family after tragic blaze. In: Radio Vatican. 11.05.2017.
– Condemning murder of three Roma sisters in Rome, ODIHR Director Link stresses need for investigation of, robust reaction to possible racist motivation. In: Humgan Rights. 11.05.2017.
– Rome Arson Deaths Expose Plight of Balkan Roma. In: Balkan Insight. 11.05.2017.
– Arson eyed in Rome camper fire that killed 3 Gypsy sisters. In: Daily News. 10.05.2017.
– Arson eyed in Rome camper fire that killed 3 Gypsy sisters. In: ABC News. 10.05.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Hamburg Memorial

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A memorial to the victims of the Holocaust was opened on the site of a former train station from which people were deported.

– Hamburg unveils memorial to Jews, Roma killed in Holocaust. In: Fox News. 10.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Slums

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A reportage on the life in Slovakia’s Rroma slums.

– Life in Slovakia’s Roma slums: Poverty and segregation. In: Al Jazeera. 10.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rome – Arson

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Three Rromnja died in Rome when their camper burst into flames. This is being investigated as arson and as an attack against Rroma.

– Arson suspected in camper blaze that killed sleeping sisters. In: CBS News. 10.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Austria: Exhibition about Holocaust

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An exhibition in Vienna shows the roots and the facts about the Rroma Holocaust in World War Two.
Good, especially since Austria did little work in this respect.

– Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit: Ausstellung zeigt Völkermord and Roma. In: Vienna Online. 09.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany, Holocaust, and Protests

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In Germany, Rroma protests – for example for the right of refugees from Kosovo an former Yugoslavia – have been held at or around memorial for the victims of the Holocaust.
Not an easy thing, and this is shown in this article.

– Wenn Roma gehört warden. In: Taz. 07.05.2017.!5404345/ [link-preview url=”!5404345/”]

Poland – An Interesting Interview

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Why should you learn about the culture and customs of the Rroma who have been living in Poland for hundreds of years? What is definitely worth knowing to behave appropriately? A talk about these questions with the guest of Andrzej Grzymała-Kazłowski.

– Dlaczego warto poznawać kulturę i obyczaje Romów? In: Radio Opole. 08.05.2017.,310,dlaczego-warto-poznawac-kulture-i-obyczaje-romow [link-preview url=”,310,dlaczego-warto-poznawac-kulture-i-obyczaje-romow”]

Munich – Moslems and Rroma

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A new study Ludwig-Maximilians University on feelings towards different ethnic and cultural groups shows clearly that Moslems are negatively felt – 18% strongly so, 31% somewhat, and 38% have a low negative view on them. In brief, only 12% of the people in the study had nothing against Moslems … One in ten!!!
And Rroma? 30% of the people have a negative view of them. They are barely better than refugees with 28% and Jews with 18%.

– LMU-Studie: 9 von 10 Münchnern haben was gegen Muslime. In: Abendzeitung. 08.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia and Discrimination

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A video game is trying to measure the bias against Rroma in Slovakia. It is trying to assess the discrimination that goes unreported.
Interesting experiment.

– Discrimination in action: the value of experiments in human rights. In: Open Democracy. 05.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia – Roma Plenipotentiary

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Ábel Ravasz, the Roma plenipotentiary for the Slovak Government has some quite stereotypical ideas on Rroma… He states – partially rightly so, that many don’t speak Rromanes and that the younger generation tends to loose the language; but then ignores history when he says Rroma arrived in several waves from the 17th century; are a very diverse minority; are a patriarchal society; and so on…
Maybe get your facts rights …

– Rómovia hovoriaci po maďarsky sú pre Maďarov Cigáni a pre Rómov Maďari. A Slovákom sú úplne ukradnutí. In: Plus 7 Dni. 07.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]