Daily Archives: Juni 25, 2017

Italy: Criminal???

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The Italian tax police is not known for being soft. They arrested an elderly Bosnian Romni and confiscated 25’000 EUR she had painfully saved – knowing that she lives below the poverty level. She is 71 years old …

La comunità Rom: “False le accuse contro Djula Ahmetovic” In: Go News. 24.06.2017. http://www.gonews.it/2017/06/24/la-comunita-rom-false-le-accuse-contro-djula-ahmetovic/ [link-preview url=”http://www.gonews.it/2017/06/24/la-comunita-rom-false-le-accuse-contro-djula-ahmetovic/”]

Greece – Police Search

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A police search in a Roma neighbourhood near Athens yielded weapons and nearly a Kg. of Heroin. The police arrested at least 35 people. What is bad is the ethnic context presented here.

– Οι αστυνομικοί έκαναν τουλάχιστον έξι κατ’ οίκον έρευνες, για τυχόν κρυμμένα όπλα, ενώ έχουν κατασχεθεί περίπου δύο κιλά ηρωίνης. In: Protothema. 22.06.2017. http://www.protothema.gr/greece/article/690936/eikosi-sullipseis-se-epiheirisi-tis-astunomias-se-kataulismo-roma/ [link-preview url=”http://www.protothema.gr/greece/article/690936/eikosi-sullipseis-se-epiheirisi-tis-astunomias-se-kataulismo-roma/”]

French Politics – All Parties

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Three articles which show what, collectively, the French politicians think of Roma. First, not surprising, a Front National member who made some borderline jokes about Roma, then , a Républicain who has been condemned (good, by the way) for his statements about Roma, and finally, a La France en Marche freshly elected parliament member who makes similar blanket statements about Roma.

– “Quotidien” : la blague polémique d’un député FN sur les Roms. In: Closer. 22.06.2017. https://www.closermag.fr/politique/quotidien-la-blague-polemique-d-un-depute-fn-sur-les-roms-728544
– Montpellier : Domergue condamné au civil pour ses propos sur les Roms. In: Midi Libre. 22.06.2017. http://www.midilibre.fr/2017/06/22/montpellier-domergue-condamne-au-civil-pour-ses-propos-sur-les-roms,1525633.php
– Des «roms qui urinent n’importe où» : les propos d’une nouvelle députée LREM choquent la toile. In: Français RT. 21.06.2017. https://francais.rt.com/france/40091-roms-qui-urinent-nimporte-opetit
– Les propos polémiques de Claire O’Petit, nouvelle députée En Marche! et ex-grande gueule de RMC déterrés. In: Huffington Post. 20.06.2017. http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2017/06/20/les-propos-polemiques-de-claire-opetit-nouvelle-deputee-en-mar_a_22491956/ [link-preview url=”https://www.closermag.fr/politique/quotidien-la-blague-polemique-d-un-depute-fn-sur-les-roms-728544 “]

French Chronicle …

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Not many news lately. A good news for a change, with a camp in Aix en Provence, in the South of France where the city was condemned for its expulsion order, meaning the camp can stay for now; a camp in Montpellier where neighbours are complaining; an expulsion in Montreuil, near Paris; garbage on the site of a former camp also near Paris; another camp evacuated near Annecy in the French Alps; and finally a camp in Lille which was also closed.

– Une victoire inédite pour les Roms de Valcros. In: La Marseillaise. 22.06.2017. http://www.lamarseillaise.fr/marseille/faits-divers-justice/61460-une-victoire-inedite-pour-les-roms-de-valcros
– Montpellier : ce camp de roms qui fait fuir le voisinage. In: Midi Libre. 24.06.2017. http://www.midilibre.fr/2017/06/23/montpellier-ce-camp-de-roms-qui-fait-fuir-le-voisinage,1526304.php
– Montreuil: familles roms expulsées et eau en accès limité. In: Mediapart. 20.06.2017. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/200617/montreuil-familles-roms-expulsees-et-eau-en-acces-limite
– VIDEO. Yvelines : entre Carrières-sous-Poissy et Triel-sur-Seine, la plaine des déchets. In: Le Parisien. 19.06.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/triel-sur-seine-78510/carrieres-sous-poissy-triel-sur-seine-la-plaine-des-dechets-19-06-2017-7067088.php
– Annecy: un camp de Roms évacué à Vovray. In: L’essor Savoyard. 23.06.2017. http://www.lessorsavoyard.fr/annecy-et-sa-region/annecy-un-camp-de-roms-evacue-a-vovray-ia938b939n183943
– Le camp de Roms derrière le Stadium Lille Métropole évacué. In: La Voix du Nord. 20.06.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/180799/article/2017-06-20/le-camp-de-roms-derriere-le-stadium-lille-metropole-evacue [link-preview url=”https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/200617/montreuil-familles-roms-expulsees-et-eau-en-acces-limite “]
