Daily Archives: Juni 29, 2017

Hungary and Minorities

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The Aurora café in Budapest, a Jewish café originally has turned into a centre of resistance for opposition activists of minorities. It houses the offices of a Roma NGO, of the LGBT community, and of course of various Jewish groups.
Let’s hope it can continue.

– Hungary’s Resistance Has a Hip Jewish Address — But For How Long? In: Forward. 29.06.2017. http://forward.com/news/375774/in-hungary-the-resistance-to-orbans-populist-rule-has-a-hot-jewish-address/ [link-preview url=”http://forward.com/news/375774/in-hungary-the-resistance-to-orbans-populist-rule-has-a-hot-jewish-address/”]

Austria and the Holocaust

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An interesting article from the catholic church about the Roma victims of the Holocaust in the Diocese of Eisenstadt in the Easern part of the country. There, the camp of Lackenbach had more than 4’000 local Roma who were doing forced labour in appalling conditions. Many more were simply sent to death camps.

– Österreich: Ermordeten Roma Würde zurückgeben. In: Radio Vatican. 22.06.2017. http://de.radiovaticana.va/news/2017/06/22/österreich_ermordeten_roma_würde_zurückgeben/1320729 [link-preview url=”http://de.radiovaticana.va/news/2017/06/22/österreich_ermordeten_roma_würde_zurückgeben/1320729″]
