Daily Archives: Juli 21, 2017

Travellers and University

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Travellers’ and Roma children are 10 times less likely than the rest to attend university. This is the result of outright discrimination at every school stage.

– Research shows Traveller pupils less likely to go to university. In: Irish World. 21.07.2017. http://www.theirishworld.com/research-shows-traveller-pupils-less-likely-go-university/ [link-preview url=”http://www.theirishworld.com/research-shows-traveller-pupils-less-likely-go-university/”]

40 Roma – Continued

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A conservative Fox News journalist – Tucker Carlson – went totally overboard on his show on the topic of the 40 Romanian Roma immigrants in Pennsylvania. He used comments of the type “”Gypsies” are settled in a small Pennsylvania town… and locals complain of them going to toilet in the street and beheading chickens” and worse ones. In brief, the went into a racist rant.

– In his quest to demonize immigrants, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson misses a good story. In: The Washington Post. 20.07.2017. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2017/07/20/in-his-quest-to-demonize-immigrants-fox-newss-tucker-carlson-misses-a-good-story/?utm_term=.55ce3c15b762
– Fox News Feud – Sean Hannity Angry That Other Hosts Aren’t Blindly Supporting Trump. In: The Ring of Fire Network. 19.07.2017. https://trofire.com/2017/07/19/fox-news-feud-sean-hannity-angry-hosts-arent-blindly-supporting-trump/
– Tucker Carlson Getting A Little More Hitlery All The Time. In: The Wonkette. 19.07.2017. https://wonkette.com/620459/tucker-carlson-getting-a-little-more-hitlery-all-the-time#rgJ42epefJvys9c0.99 [link-preview url=”https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2017/07/20/in-his-quest-to-demonize-immigrants-fox-newss-tucker-carlson-misses-a-good-story/?utm_term=.55ce3c15b762 “]
