Daily Archives: Juli 31, 2017

France: Montreuil en Belay

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An article and a book on the Holocaust of French Roma and a some pictures and documents on the French concentration camp of Montreuil en Beley, where Roma were interned during World War Two (by the French – not the Germans …)

– Screen/Print #60: Suzannah Victoria Beatrice Henty on the contradictory nature of reparation politics. In: Archinect. 28.07.2017. http://archinect.com/features/article/150019196/screen-print-60-suzannah-victoria-beatrice-henty-on-the-contradictory-nature-of-reparation-politics

Pennsylvania Again

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More on the Roma refugees in the small town of California, Pennsylvania. Of course, they are dirty, they do not want to integrate, etc…
Really bad.

– In one Pa. town, history repeats itself with a clash of cultures: Editorial. In: Penn Live. 28.07.2017. http://www.pennlive.com/opinion/2017/07/in_one_pa_town_history_repeats.html
– ‘People fear what they don’t understand’: Culture clash with immigrants divides Pa. town. In: Penn Live. 28.07.2017. http://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/07/roma_california_immigrants.html
