Monthly Archives: Juli 2017


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A reminder that the petition against the European MP from Bulgaria Angel Dzhambazki is still going.

– Bulgarian MEP Accused of Hate Speech Against Roma. In: Balkan Insight. 18.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

More on Fox News …

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Headlines from Fox news highlighted in Newsweek…Roma are threatening America! Where is Trump!


Travellers and University

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Travellers’ and Roma children are 10 times less likely than the rest to attend university. This is the result of outright discrimination at every school stage.

– Research shows Traveller pupils less likely to go to university. In: Irish World. 21.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

40 Roma – Continued

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A conservative Fox News journalist – Tucker Carlson – went totally overboard on his show on the topic of the 40 Romanian Roma immigrants in Pennsylvania. He used comments of the type “”Gypsies” are settled in a small Pennsylvania town… and locals complain of them going to toilet in the street and beheading chickens” and worse ones. In brief, the went into a racist rant.

– In his quest to demonize immigrants, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson misses a good story. In: The Washington Post. 20.07.2017.
– Fox News Feud – Sean Hannity Angry That Other Hosts Aren’t Blindly Supporting Trump. In: The Ring of Fire Network. 19.07.2017.
– Tucker Carlson Getting A Little More Hitlery All The Time. In: The Wonkette. 19.07.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

40 Roma being Helped

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Meanwhile the 40 Roma refugees from Romania in the small town of California, in Pennsylvania, are being helped to integrate. At least something positive.

– Groups reach out to Romas to help them assimilate in California Borough. In: Observer Reporter. 18.07.2017.
– EDITORIAL California immigrants should be helped adjusting to U.S. In: Observer Reporter. 19.07.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

40 Roma

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The story of the 40 refugees from Romania in the small town of California in Pennsylvania is creating a frenzy of news in rightist papers.
Breitbart and co are claiming these immigrants are defecating everywhere …

– The truth about the immigrants Tucker Carlson claims are defecating in the streets of Pennsylvania. In: Think Progress. 19.07.2017.
– Conservative media outlets stoke fears that “gypsies” are coming to America and defecating in the streets. In: Mediamatters. 18.07.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Bulgarian, Politicians, and Roma

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Bulgarian European MEP Angel Dzhambazki is being accused in an online petition of stirring up anti-Roma hatred. The Petition is on AVAAZ.

– Bulgarian MEP Accused of Hate Speech Against Roma. In: Balkan Insight. 18.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Zentralrat on Arte

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The Central Council of Sinti and Roma in Germany pointed its members on the Arte Movie on Roma and antiziganismus that was shown yesterday.

– Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma weist auf sehenswerten ARTE Dokumentarfilm zum Thema Antiziganismus in Europa hin. In: Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma. 18.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Israel Galvan

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The latest production from Israel Galvan “Fiesta” is on show in Avignon, France until the 23rd of July.

– AVIGNON : « LA FIESTA » PERCHEE D’ISRAEL GALVAN. In: Inferno. 17.07.2017.
– “La Fiesta” déjantée du Sévillan Israel Galvan divise la Cour d’honneur d’Avignon. In: France24. 17.07.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Switzerland and Travellers

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A portrait of the president of the Association of Sinti and Roma Switzerland, who currently is engaged in a project aimed at defusing tensions between travellers and local population.

– Un nomade s’active pour limiter les conflits avec les gens du voyage. In: Le Temps. 17.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Gypsies not Wanted

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Mykonos expelled Roma in April/May of this year, apparently following some protests from tourists about annoying Roma families.

– Roma Expelled from Paradise: Ethnic Cleansing on the Greek Isle of Mykonos. In: ERRC. 11.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Pennsylvania: Roma Refugees

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Another article on the 40 or so Romanian Roma who asked for asylum in California, Pennsylvania. Not meant negatively, but full of stereotypes…

– Roma say they came to Pa. to flee persecution. In: Pittsburgh Post Gazette. 15.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

UK: Racism in Schools

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Racism seems to be a serious issue in the UK, especially against Roma and travellers.

– Schools need to address the last acceptable form of racism. In: School Week. 16.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

More on the Excavation in Lety

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A more extensive article on the excavations of the Czech concentration camp of Lety, excavations that showed that the camp was not razed to the ground as originally believed.

– Archaeologists find remains of wartime camp for Czech Roma. In: The Prague Monitor. 17.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rome – An Office for the Closure of Camps …

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The mayor of Rome, Virgina Raggi, has set up an office whose aim is to monitor and ensure the closure of the Roma camps – long a promise she made during her election. Several Roma associations are waiting to see what is happening.
According to a recent briefing by the Association July 21, “in the face of a constant presence of Roma in informal settlements in Rome quantified in the last five years at around 2,200 / 2,500 housing units, in the last few months the estimate sank to no more than one thousand units. This decline is explained by less arrivals from other countries (Romania), from transfers to other European countries (Spain, France and Germany) and largely from the transition from informal settlements to old unused industrial facilities. In a city with about 2.9 million inhabitants, Roma people in informal settlements account for only 0.03% of the Roma population.”

– A Roma nasce un ufficio per monitorare il superamento dei campi rom. In: La Stampa. 09.07.2017.
– Campi rom e sgomberi, a Roma la musica è davvero cambiata. Purtroppo. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. 13.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Camps Closures in Rome

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Two camps are due to be closed in the Rome region. Whether the Roma are relocated or simply expulsed remains to be seen. At least money has been allocated – let’s see.

– Roma, due campi rom saranno smantellati: ecco dove saranno sistemati i nomadi. In: Leggo. 11.07.2017.
– Roma, chiusura campi rom La Barbuta e Monachina. Ora progetti di inclusione sociale. In: Pontile News. 11.07.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Czech Republic and Lety

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The comments from the Czech President Milos Zeman regarding the former concentration camp of Lety are simply not acceptable and are out of touch, according to Karel Holomek.
We agree…

– Karel Holomek: Czech President’s proposal to leave pig farm on genocide site is out of touch. In: Romea. 13.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: New Camping Site for Roma

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At long last, a new camping site has b een opened in the Canto Bern.

– In: SRF. 14.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Pennsylvania, Residents, and Romanian Roma

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Bad – bad as an article, and bad in that that a minority of Romanian Roma seems to make the headlines. Especially since in Pittsburgh, there have been many Roma from Czechoslovakia who have and still live there since pre-World War One.

– In California, Pa., residents want answers about Romanian immigrants. In: Pittsburg Post Gazette. 14.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]