Monthly Archives: Juli 2017

Arte – Documentary on Roma

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On July 18th, the European TV Arte will present a documentary on Roma entitled “Roma citizen like any others?”
Will be interesting to see whether this doesn’t drown into sterotypes.

– Les roms, des citoyens comme les autres ? In: Arte. [link-preview url=””]

Lety – Camp Measured

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The exact extent of the Lety camp has been assessed by archaeologists. They managed to find physical remains of the barracks, contrary to the common view that the camp was totally razed at the end of the War.


Assenovgrad: Protests

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The protests in Assenovgrad are continuing. This is scary.

– Protests in Asenovgrad Continue. In: Novinite. 10.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Colombia and Roma

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The Roma have been recognised by Columbia as an ethnic minority!

– Colombia recognizes Roma people as ethnic minority group. In: CGTN America. 11.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria – Assenovgrad

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A rather long article on the Assenovgrad protests against Roma – Protests that nearly turned violent and were stopped by the police. This article is from a vey Bulgarian perspective and cites an alleged “assault” by Roma against a rowing team as the origin of the protests. This is a first one – before, it was a generic protest against “illegal” Roma settlements.

– Protests in Bulgaria: From Assenovgrad to the ‘1300 years’ monument. In: The Soifia Globe. 11.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Racism at Universities

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Roma going to universities face blatant racism in the UK. In the 21st century …

– Gypsy students face prejudice at universities. In: The Times. 08.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Roma Travellers

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Two articles about Roma travellers camping on a private (and rented) plot of land in the canton Bern.
The first one, from the Berner Zeitung states that there were no issues with Roma – at least until the arrival of a group of Roma from Spain who did leave a mess. The second one, from the Blick (a Swiss tabloid) states that all Roma are dirtying the neighbourhood, are defecating everywhere etc… Same story, two views. And clearly the Blich guys were not on the spot.
In addition, the papers (and the title of the Berner Zeitung) suggest that there are many more Roma travellers in Switzerland. This is false.
– Immer mehr Fahrende. In: Berner Zeitung. 07.07.2017.
– Fäkalien und Abfall im Gemüsefeld. In: Blick. 07.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo, Refugees and Lead

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Another article about the lead poisoning suffered by many Roma refugees in Kosovo after having been parked by the UN in a camp build on a toxic waste dump. This has been going on for years and the UN has not done anything yet.

– Roma in Kosovo: ‘My children are poisoned by lead’. In: Al Jazeera. 19.06.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary: Even more to the Right

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Three extreme right movements joined force in Hungary this week end for “ethnical self defence”, for the “protection of the white European race” and its “Lebensraum”, and against “Migrant and Gypsies”.
BAD and dangerous.

– Jobbik “verweichlicht”: Drei Neonazi-Gruppen in Ungarn vereinigen sich. In: Pester Llyod. 09.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic and Health

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Health inequality is a real topic in the Czech Republic with infant mortality among Roma twice as high as among the rest of the population.

– David Beňák: Health inequality in the Czech Republic a topic now that Romani infant mortality double the national average. In: Romea. 08.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Istanbul: Gentrification

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Roma are increasingly being driven out of the city they have lived in for more than a 1000 years. This time, it is the Tarlabaşı neighbourhood which is the target of the “renovation” – often given to good friends of the AK party…

– Gentrifizierung in Istanbul: Es war einmal ein Ort der Vielfalt. In: Alsharq Blog. 08.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland and Beggars

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The interdiction of begging that was put into law in Lausanne last year is being contested in front of the Swiss Federal Tribunal, the highest court in this country.

– Recours devant le Tribunal. In: Le Nouvelliste. 08.07.2017.
– Recours contre l’interdiction de mendier. In: Le Courrier. 07.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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More news on Roma in France – an usual pattern during the holiday season. In Marseilles, the largest Roma settlement of the city was closed, leaving 200 people on the street; another camp was closed in the Var, with journalist showing a video that suggest Roma were stealing scooters and cars; in Toulouse, a camp will be closed this coming Monday; in Angers, in Western France, on the one hand a solidarity manifestation for Roma and on the other, a camp that will probably be closed; in Lille, a Roma camp totally burnt down; and near Paris, a communist mayor launched an operation blocking a major highway to protest against a squat along that road and ask for the government to undertake something.

– 200 roms expulsés de leur camp à Marseille. In: FR3 Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. 06.07.2017.
– Marseille: évacuation du plus grand squat de Roms de la ville. In: BFM TV. 06.07.2017.
– Evacuation du plus grand squat de Roms de Marseille. In: Europe 1. 06.07.2017.
– Marseille: Le plus grand camp de Roms de la ville a été évacué. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 06.07.2017.
– Avec l’été, pour les Roms, le retour des expulsions et bien peu de solutions. In: Marsactu. 07.07.2017.
– VIDEO. Carcasses de scooters, épaves de voitures… Un camp de Roms installé route du Malpasset a été évacué. In: Var Matin. 04.07.2017.
– Roms, gens du voyage… Le campement sauvage de Ginestous sera évacué lundi, à Toulouse. In: Actu. 07.07.2017.
– Angers. Manifestation de soutien aux Roms au jardin du Mail. In: Ouest France. 07.07.2017.
– Le squat du Chêne-Vert est menace. In: Ouest France. 07.07.2017.
– Le camp rom de l’avenue Denis-Cordonnier entièrement détruit par un incendie. In: La Voix du Nord. 07.07.2017.
– VIDEO. Lille: Un incendie détruit totalement le camp Rom de la porte de Valenciennes. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 07.07.2017.
– Camp de roms sur la N315 : opération escargot sur l’A15 à Gennevilliers. In: Le Parisien. 04.07.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Ewa Minge

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The Polish fashion designer Ewa Minge is presenting a new collection in Paris during the Haute Couture week inspired by Roma dresses and tales. “The collection is extremely colorful, inspired by old fairy tales, drawing directly on culture, music and the Roma tradition,” says Małgorzata Sawicka, president of the Black Butterflies Foundation, founded by Ewa Minga.

– Ewa Minge w Paryżu. Barwne stroje inspirowane romską kulturą. In: Wyborcza. 01.07.2017.,35182,22039327,ewa-minge-w-paryzu-stroje-inspirowane-kultura-romow-zdjecia.html [link-preview url=”,35182,22039327,ewa-minge-w-paryzu-stroje-inspirowane-kultura-romow-zdjecia.html”]


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The Slovak opposition movement Most-Hid (a play on the word Bridge in Slovak and Hungarian) has been joined by several mayor of Eastern Slovakia. The movement is also bringing in Roma and tries to bridge the ethnic and cultural divisions.

– Starostovia z Gemera vstúpili do strany Most-Híd, s Ravaszom riešia otázku Rómov. In: SME Domov. 07.07.2017.
– Časť obyvateľov Gemerskej Polomy bráni starostu odsúdeného za korupciu. In: Korzar. 04.07.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Racism in School

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An article on the unfortunately very common racism found in schools in the UK, especially against Roma and Travellers.

– Racism in schools isn’t just part of the grim past – it’s hiding in plain sight. In: The Guardian. 07.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Racial Diagnosis – Gypsy

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An exhibition has opened in Cologne in the Documentation Centre on National Socialism titled “Rassendiagnose: Zigeuner” with many pictures of Roma under the Nazis. The exhibition gives a face to the victims.
A must to see.

– Sinti und Roma Ausstellung im NS-Dok gibt den Opfern ein Gesicht. In: Kölner Stadt Anzeiger. 07.07.2017.
– NS-Dokumentationszentrum zeigt Ausstellung „Rassendiagnose: Zigeuner“. In: Report-K. 07.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia, Roma, and Jobs

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Roma are the economic potential and social capital for an aging Europe. This is the main message of the international project “We change discourse, we change practice: RARE – Roma as human resources”, which was presented at a press conference in Bratislava. The project aims at the insertion of Roma in the job force, and is currently being piloted in 8 Eastern European Countries.

– Modely využitia Rómov na trhu práce budú hľadať v projekte. In: Dobre Noviny. 03.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Migrants

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A bad title (and article) on Roma in Germany: The Title states “From what do they live? ‘we get child benefits’.”
Really? All Roma in Germany?

– Wovon sie leben? „Wir bekommen Kindergeld“ In: Die Welt. 05.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]