Daily Archives: August 11, 2017

Polish Press …

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An example of what can be found in the Polish press… The account of an aggression of a woman by a “horde” or angry Roma, the poor woman just wanted to bring her car to the garage and parked it near the Roma housing estate.
This is more a reflection of the tensions in some part of Poland nowadays.

– Tłum Romów zaatakował Polkę. Byli wściekli, że „biała ku*wa” zaparkowała na ich ulicy (video). In: Pikio. 09.08.2017. http://pikio.pl/tlum-romow-zaatakowal-polke-byli-wsciekli-ze-biala-kuwa-zaparkowala-na-ich-ulicy-video/

Switzerland Travellers

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The Roma travellers who camped in Wileroltigen, triggering a campaign in Switzerland against them, have left. They were forced to leave as the government gave them an ultimatum.

– Fahrende bei Wileroltigen sind weg. In: Der Bund. 10.08.2017. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/fahrende-bei-wileroltigen-sind-weg/story/12185786
– Keine Wohnwagen mehr auf dem Gelände. In: SRF. 10.08.2017. https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/bern-freiburg-wallis/keine-wohnwagen-mehr-auf-dem-gelaende
