Daily Archives: September 6, 2017

Slovakia: Roma Life

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The Roma life is getting harder and harsher in Moldova nad Bodvou. Increased police brutality, segregation, eviction, racism…
What is indeed amazing is that this is published in a Slovak Newspaper (ok, in English)…

– Life gets harder for Roma in Moldava. In: The Slovak Spectator. 05.09.2017. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20642128/life-gets-harder-for-roma-in-moldava.html [link-preview url=”https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20642128/life-gets-harder-for-roma-in-moldava.html”]

Switzerland – No Travellers Please

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The residents of the village of Wileroltigen in the Canton Bern protested in front of the Bern parliament to protest against camping sites for travellers in the canton.

– Wileroltiger wollen Transitplätze im ganzen Kanton stoppen. In: Der Bund. 04.09.2017. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/wileroltiger-wollen-transitplaetze-im-ganzen-kanton-stoppen/story/25138084 [link-preview url=”https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/wileroltiger-wollen-transitplaetze-im-ganzen-kanton-stoppen/story/25138084″]

Ukraine: Racism and Murder

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When the Roma speaker of a small town is shot dead by the former mayor. A tale of militant anti-Roma racism.

– „Geschossen, bis einer tot war“ In: Taz. 01.09.2017. http://www.taz.de/!5440611/ [link-preview url=”http://www.taz.de/!5440611/”]
