Monthly Archives: September 2017


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Another movie on Roma: Valentian and a critique of it from Romblog.

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A Ciambra

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The second movie from Jonas Carpignano has Martin Scorcese and tells the story of a adolescent Rom in Calabria who befriends a refugee from Burkina. All actors are amateurs.

– En salles. “A Ciambra”, le portrait survolté d’une communauté de Roms en Calabre. In: Le Courrier International. 19.09.2017.
– Cinéma : « A Ciambra » plonge dans un camp rom. In: Le Parisien. 20.09.2017.
– A Ciambra – la critique. In: Paris Match. 20.09.2017.
– Jonas Carpignano : “Tout ce qui est dans ‘A Ciambra’ a été vu, vécu ou fait avant”. In: Télérama. 23.09.2017.,-vecu-ou-fait-avant,n5220901.php [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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Less news on expulsions, more news, and more reports on the associations fighting for Roma. First, an serious scientific article about the 15 to 20’000 Roma in France (there are more, but as usual, one counts only the ones in the camps). In that context, an exhibition by a Romanian artist in a festival in Western France attempts a dialogue. Then an association in Grenoble that will close down for lack of funds.
This is to be contrasted with potential expulsions in Poissy, in Melun, and one effective camp closure in Créteil, all around Paris. In western France, in Angers, a house is being squatted by Roma and the city’s mayor has been contested for his expulsion policies. Finally, in the North a baby died in a camp.

– Qui sont vraiment les Roms de France ? In: CNRS. 18.09.2017.
– «Dialogues n°3» d’Aurelia Ivan sur les Roms et les bidonvilles. In: RFI. 22.09.2017.
– Roms action va “mettre la clef sous la porte”. In: Le Dauphiné. 18.09.2017.
– A Grenoble, l’association Roms Action risque de fermer faute de subventions. In: France Info FR3. 18.09.2017.
– Poissy : l’affaire des Roms tranchée la semaine prochaine par le tribunal. In: Le Parisien. 21.09.2017.
– Melun. Une procédure d’expulsion en cours pour les Roms installés dans un bâtiment désaffecté de l’hôpital. In: 20.09.2017.
– Les Roms installés à l’hôpital Marc Jacquet de Melun risquent l’expulsion. In: Evasion. 21.09.2017.
– Créteil : le camp du carrefour Pompadour évacué. In: Le Parisien. 19.08.2017.
– Angers : un pavillon abandonné est devenu un refuge pour des familles roms. In: FR3 Info. 19.09.2017.
– Angers. Expulsions : le maire interpellé par des militants. In: Ouest France. 20.09.2017.
– Un nourrisson retrouvé mort dans un squat à Roubaix. In: FR3 France Info. 22.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: The Uglier Side

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This is the uglier side of Slovakia. One village doesn’t want Roma from the neighbouring village to visit the paediatrician. The rest of the article is worse, big time.
Not good.

– Zvada v obci: U detskej lekárky nechceme Rómov z vedľajšej dediny! In: Pluska. 17.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Special Movie

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Not your average movie. It is a gay one, with rather middle aged protagonists, one of which is a Rom.

– Toronto Film Review: ‘Soldiers. Story From Ferentari’. In: Variety. 22.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

UK, Slavery, and the Judge

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The UK judge really went overboard in the sentencing of the traveller family who did use slave labour. The judge did not seem to understand that the deeds of one family do not necessarily reflect on all …

– Complaint over judge’s Rooney traveller family remarks. In: BBC News. 22.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Spissky Hrhov, Slovakia

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This village never ceases to pop up. It is a really good example of what can be done. Second article in the NYT.

– Shattering Ugly Roma Stereotypes. In: The New York Times. 22.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Roma Manifestation

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There was a march by Roma on the Capitol Hill on Thursday the 21st of September to protest against the living conditions in the camps into which Italy parks its Roma.

– Dai campi nomadi in marcia sul Campidoglio. L’ira di Sinti e Rom. In: Affaritaliani. 20.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Exhibition on the Czech Roma Holocaust

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An exhibition of the vanished world of the Czech Roma and Sinti who were killed almst to the last one during World War Two.

– Exhibition “A Vanished World” about indigenous Czech Roma and Sinti again on display in Prague. In: 17.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

UK Police and Travellers

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Several UK policemen were using and posting on a Facebook page that contained racist statements against Travellers. They did not post these comments themselves but rather failed to react about them…

– Met police chat forum was used to post insults aimed at Gypsies. In: The Guardian. 21.09.2017.
– ‘Breaching equality’ – Calls for London police officers who insulted Travellers online to face ‘misconduct’ punishment. In: The Irish Times. 21.09.2017.
– Met police officers used Facebook page that contained insults about travellers. In: Yahoo News. 21.09.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Brigitta Balogh

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An interview of Brigitta Balogh, Romni, Law Student, and activist!

– Brigitta Balogh: Romani human rights campaigner and law student. In: Travellers Times. 20.09.2017.–Features/Brigitta-Balogh-Romani-human-rights-campaigner-.aspx [link-preview url=”–Features/Brigitta-Balogh-Romani-human-rights-campaigner-.aspx”]


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In case you need even more clarity on what the AfD is planning: One of their candidates has a list of associations that are to be watched for links to the left. On his list, the association Amaro Foro, a Roma association that is engaged against discrimination, and the Ann Frank association which teaches about the Nazi crimes …
No further comments.

– Ein Berliner AfD-Abgeordneter hat eine entlarvende Hassliste veröffentlicht. In: Vice. 19.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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Interesting portraits of Roma LGBTQ.

– Roma LGBTQ People Talk About the Challenges of Facing Double Discrimination. In: Vice. 19.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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The Roma museum will be in charge of the new memorial museum in the Hodonin Roma concentration camp.
The memorial was to be opened last August but the opening was deferred due to a controversy on who would be running it going forward.

– Roma Museum to operate new memorial in Hodonín near Kunštát. In: The Prague Monitor. 19.09.2017.štát [link-preview url=”štát”]

Amnesty on Moldova nad Bodvou

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Amnesty International is calling for justice for the victims of police brutality in the Slovak city of Moldova nad Bodvou. The police was acquitted and the victims are being currently sued for defamation …

– Amnesty International: We demand justice for the victims of the Slovak Police raid on the Roma settlement of Moldava nad Bodvou. In: 19.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia, Water, and Roma

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Many Roma still have no access to drinking water, despite numerous recommendations, the ECRI commission, has now issued conclusions on the situation in Slovenia which highlight the precarious living conditions of Roma in the country. Access to water is one of the key points in the report.

– Nova graja, ker Romi še nimajo dostopa do vode. In: Delo. 18.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Roma King?

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An interview with a Roma King in Slovakia. This showcases stereotypes and present kings as part of the Roma culture – which they definitively are not.

– Stretol som sa s rómskym kráľom. In: Tyždeň. 16.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Model Village

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An article about the successful integration of Roma in the village of Spišský Hrhove. The village had been the subject of a long article in the New York Times (we cited it a while back).

– Láska v Spišskom Hrhove, ktorú si všimli v The New York Times. In: Dennik. 17.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Leipzig: Conference

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Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of Sinti and Roma will present an overview of the Roma civil right movement in Germany and discuss the challenges Sinti and Roma are now facing.

– Die Bürgerrechtsbewegung der Sinti und Roma – Erfahrungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen. In: Leipziginfo.
– Vorsitzender des Zentralrats Deutscher Sinti und Roma in Leipzig. In: Focus Info. 15.09.2017. [link-preview url=” “]