Daily Archives: Oktober 2, 2017

Czech Republic: Prize

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A Roma activist, Cenek Ruzicka, was awarded the Czech Artis Bohemiae Amicis prize for his efforts to remove the pig farm from the Lety concentration site.

– Culture Ministry awards Czech Roma activist. In: The Prague Monitor. 02.10.2017. http://www.praguemonitor.com/2017/10/02/culture-ministry-awards-czech-roma-activist [link-preview url=”http://www.praguemonitor.com/2017/10/02/culture-ministry-awards-czech-roma-activist”]

Turkey: Further Expulsions

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The government of Erdogan, having already cleaned the oldest Istanbul Roma neighbourhood (Sulukule) are continuing their policy of expulsions, this time in the Tarlabasi neighbourhood.
There is a clear design to remove all Roma from the city limits.

– EXPULSIONS – Amnesty International s’inquiète pour les habitants de Tarlabasi. In: Le Petit Journal Istanbul. 29.09.2017. https://lepetitjournal.com/istanbul/expulsions-amnesty-international-sinquiete-pour-les-habitants-de-tarlabasi-104815 [link-preview url=”https://lepetitjournal.com/istanbul/expulsions-amnesty-international-sinquiete-pour-les-habitants-de-tarlabasi-104815″]

Italy: Roma Manifestation

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Roma and Roma organisations protested on the capitol hill against the policies of Italy on camps. They protest the conditions in the camps as well as some of the planned closures that are not accompanied by adequate re-housing measures.

– Rom Sinti Caminanti, manifestazione al Campidoglio: “Salvare il camping River e chiudere Castel Romano”. In: Casinina News. 01.10.2017. http://www.casilinanews.it/52711/attualita/rom-sinti-caminanti-manifestazione-al-campidoglio-salvare-il-camping-river-e-chiudere-castel-romano.html [link-preview url=”http://www.casilinanews.it/52711/attualita/rom-sinti-caminanti-manifestazione-al-campidoglio-salvare-il-camping-river-e-chiudere-castel-romano.html”]
