Daily Archives: Oktober 8, 2017

France, TV, and Roma

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Another TV series, this time French about the French police. But … It showcases all stereotypes. On Roma, for example, it shows a Roma camp whose inhabitants send their children to the city to steal and to prostitute themselves… It is not better on other minorities.
In brief, a total NO G).

– ENGRENAGES : QUAND LA RÉALITÉ DÉPASSE LA FICTION. In: Boulevard Voltaire. http://www.bvoltaire.fr/engrenages-realite-depasse-fiction/ [link-preview url=”http://www.bvoltaire.fr/engrenages-realite-depasse-fiction/”]

Poznan, Dogs, and Roma

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An old story is re-appearing in the Polish Press: The story of dogs (and other animlas) living in extremely bad conditions in Roma camps, this time around the city of Poznan. Some of the pictures in the article are old (the one from the dog on matrasses in a box is from last year).
Theme: Roma mishandle those poor dogs, and the dogs are removed. Not a word about the fact that these dogs do not live any better or worse than their owners.

– Poznań: Kolejne psy zabrano z koczowiska Romów przy Lechickiej. In: Głos Wielkopolski. 03.10.2017. http://www.gloswielkopolski.pl/wiadomosci/poznan/a/poznan-kolejne-psy-zabrano-z-koczowiska-romow-przy-lechickiej,12543247/ [link-preview url=”http://www.gloswielkopolski.pl/wiadomosci/poznan/a/poznan-kolejne-psy-zabrano-z-koczowiska-romow-przy-lechickiej,12543247/”]

Netflix: Suburra

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A new Italian Netflix series, “Suburra” showcases the Mafia and its life. Unfortunately, they also include a young Rom who is one of the central figures of the series.
Bad – as it reinforces the stereotypes.

– Das Ende der ehrenwerten Gesellschaft. In: Die Zeit. 06.10.2017. http://www.zeit.de/kultur/film/2017-10/suburra-netflix-serie-italien-mafia-genre [link-preview url=”http://www.zeit.de/kultur/film/2017-10/suburra-netflix-serie-italien-mafia-genre”]

French Chronicle …

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Ten years of action – this is the title of a manifestation that happened on October 7th in Lille in the north of France to celebrate the engagement of several associations helping Roma.
In other parts of France, other news: In Antibes, in the South of France, an association helps Roma children doing their school homework; and in Paris, videos from several artists, one of which shows work with children from a Roma camp can be seen.
More in line with the usual French News, 3 camps are closed in Montigny, near Paris; earth is piled on a site near Paris to prevent the creation of a new camp; a policeman wounded by a dog during an intervention in a Roma Camp in the North of France; the case of a pensioner who shot and killed Roma burglars in the South of France is on trial; and finally a doom ad gloom set of news from the extreme rightist Breizh Info – always on the forefront of assimilating Roma and migrants to criminals.

– Le combat pour les Roms perdure depuis dix ans. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.10.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/235359/article/2017-10-06/le-combat-pour-les-roms-perdure-depuis-dix-ans
– Le 7 octobre, journée « 10 ans d’actions avec les Roms » à Lille. In: Actu.fr. 02.10.2017. https://actu.fr/hauts-de-france/lille_59350/le-7-octobre-journee-10-ans-dactions-roms-lille_11999513.html
– Cette association Aide les enfants roms dans leurs devoirs scolaires à Antibes. In: Nice Matin. 03.10.2017. http://www.nicematin.com/education/cette-association-aide-les-enfants-roms-dans-leurs-devoirs-scolaires-a-antibes-171891
– Deux étoiles dans la Nuit blanche. In: La Croix. 06.10.2017. https://www.la-croix.com/Culture/Expositions/Deux-etoiles-Nuit-blanche-2017-10-06-1200882346
– Montigny : les trois camps de Roms évacués ce matin. In: Actu.fr. 05.10.2017. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/montigny-le-bretonneux_78423/montigny-trois-camps-roms-evacues-ce-matin_12870501.html
– Limeil-Brévannes : de la terre pour empêcher un campement sauvage. In: Le Parisien. 01.10.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/limeil-brevannes-94450/limeil-brevannes-de-la-terre-pour-empecher-un-campement-sauvage-01-10-2017-7300518.php
– Un policier gravement blessé par un chien pendant une rébellion généralisée dans un camp rom. In: La Voix du Nord. 03.10.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/233289/article/2017-10-03/un-policier-gravement-blesse-par-un-chien-pendant-une-rebellion-generalisee-dans
– Cambriolage mortel à Servian, la légitime défense en question. In: lengadoc Info. 07.10.2017. http://www.lengadoc-info.com/5644/societe/cambriolage-mortel-servian-legitime-defense/
– Agressions, vols et violences : le cocktail nantais explosive. In: Breizh Info. 02.10.2017. https://www.breizh-info.com/2017/10/02/78550/agressions-vol-violence-nantes [link-preview url=”https://actu.fr/hauts-de-france/lille_59350/le-7-octobre-journee-10-ans-dactions-roms-lille_11999513.html “]
