Daily Archives: Oktober 21, 2017

Slovakia: Devolution?

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Jozef Červeňák , the candidate of the Roma Initiative of Slovakia (RIS) to the post of Chairman of the Košice Self-Governing Region (KSK) wants a significant improvement in the state of roads in the region, in the stability and development of small municipalities as well as a dual two-year education of children from socially weak families geared towards the automotive industry. The self-governing region should, according to him, be more keen to revive tourism. The shift in the solution of the Roma issue is seen in the transfer of competences from the central government to the region.

– ČERVEŇÁK: Riešeniu problematiky Rómov v KSK pomôže presun kompetencií. In: Dobre Noviny. 18.10.2017. http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/113702/cervenak-rieseniu-problematiky-romov-v-ksk-pomoze-presun-kompetencii [link-preview url=”http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/113702/cervenak-rieseniu-problematiky-romov-v-ksk-pomoze-presun-kompetencii”]

Poland: Attacks

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Two attacks of a Roma settlement in Poznan. Stone thrown at houses, broken windows, broken doors, and the police thinks the attacks are not racially motivated…

– Nieznani sprawcy napadli w nocy na koczowisko Romów w Poznaniu. Policja nie widzi rasizmu. In: Wyborcza. 20.10.2017. http://poznan.wyborcza.pl/poznan/7,36001,22541410,nieznani-sprawcy-napadli-w-nocy-na-koczowisko-romow-w-poznaniu.html [link-preview url=”http://poznan.wyborcza.pl/poznan/7,36001,22541410,nieznani-sprawcy-napadli-w-nocy-na-koczowisko-romow-w-poznaniu.html”]

Not only the Nazis …

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A research view on the persecution of Roma and Sinti in Austria and other countries. This was not a punctual process, but rather a long evolution that culminated in the Holocaust.
They are right.

– „Nicht alles kam auf Druck der Nazis“ In: Science ORF. http://science.orf.at/stories/2873209/ [link-preview url=”http://science.orf.at/stories/2873209/”]

Slovakia: Not here …

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In recent days, a rumour circulated in Sabinov, a small town north of Kosiče in Eastern Slovakia, about the planned construction of residential homes for up to 2’000 Roma from the by now famous Roma settlement of Lunik IX in Kosiče. This was presented in the town’s website.
Protests immediately occurred … A petition is ongoing to stop the construction.

– Sabinovčania nechcú Rómov z Lunika IX. In: Korzar – Prešov. 20.10.2017. https://presov.korzar.sme.sk/c/20676624/sabinovcania-nechcu-romov-z-lunika-ix.html [link-preview url=”https://presov.korzar.sme.sk/c/20676624/sabinovcania-nechcu-romov-z-lunika-ix.html”]
