Daily Archives: Oktober 27, 2017

Horse Fair

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A Travellers and Roma horse fair in Snow, Gloucestershire. This fair has been held for centuries now.
The title and some of the article comments are typical of the way some of the papers write about Roma and Travellers in the UK.

– My big fat Gypsy Horse Fair: Travellers from all over the country converge on the Cotswolds for traditional festival. In: The Mail Online. 276.10.2017. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5021769/Stow-Gypsy-Horse-Fair-sees-hundreds-travellers-attend.html [link-preview url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5021769/Stow-Gypsy-Horse-Fair-sees-hundreds-travellers-attend.html”]

Sheffield: Exclusion …

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Apparently, hundreds of Roma children were excluded from school in the Sheffield region due to racism and bullying.
This in the UK. Really?

– Crisis fears over hundreds of Roma and Gypsy pupils excluded from Sheffield schools. In: The Star. 26.10.2017. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/crisis-fears-over-hundreds-of-roma-and-gypsy-pupils-excluded-from-sheffield-schools-1-8825858 [link-preview url=”http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/crisis-fears-over-hundreds-of-roma-and-gypsy-pupils-excluded-from-sheffield-schools-1-8825858″]

Serbia: Another Attack

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A new attack against the Roma neighbourhood of Vidikovac in Belgrade. This is the fourth attack. This time a group of 15 men lead by an investor who is trying to grab the land on which the Roma live smashed a door of one of the barracks and, according to some, even the roof.
Bad, especially since the police doesn’t care.

– NEUER ANGRIFF AUF ROMA IN DER BELGRADER SIEDLUNG VIDIKOVAC. In: Roma Anti Discrimination Network. 26.10.2017. http://ran.eu.com/neuer-angriff-auf-roma-in-der-belgrader-siedlung-vidikovac/ [link-preview url=”http://ran.eu.com/neuer-angriff-auf-roma-in-der-belgrader-siedlung-vidikovac/”]
