Daily Archives: November 2, 2017

Soraya Post

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An interview of the Swedish MEP Soraya Post. She is a strong advocate of Roma rights and is asking the EU to recognise that there are inherent anti-Roma attitudes and that the EU needs to do something against it.

– Rómska europoslankyňa: Spoločnosť sa nás snaží dehumanizovať už stáročia. In: EURACTIV. 30.10.2017. https://euractiv.sk/rozhovory/socialna-politika/romska-europoslankyna-spolocnost-sa-nas-snazi-dehumanizovat-uz-starocia/

Slovakia: Addressing Criminality

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The Slovak Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák presented measures to tackle the criminality in Roma settlements in Slovakia. He singled three problematic regions (Banska Bystrica, Prešov, and Kosiče) as the pilot for the measures.
He proposes not only to tackle the petty criminality that comes from poverty and alienation, but also the issue of crimes against minorities.
Only unfortunate item here is presenting this almost as measures against Roma crimes …

– Kaliňák rieši kriminalitu Rómov. Každá osada má mať na mieru šitý project. In: Aktualne. 29.10.2017. https://aktualne.centrum.sk/slovensko/politika/kalinak-riesi-kriminalitu-romov-kazda-osada-ma-mat-mieru-sity-projekt.html
– KALIŇÁK: Kriminalitu Rómov chceme riešiť presne cielenými opatreniami. In: Teraz. 29.10.2017. http://www.teraz.sk/import/monitor-rkalinak-kriminalitu-romov/289185-clanok.html

Switzerland: Travelling Roma

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Two more articles about the press conference and report of the Society for Threatened People (Geselschaft für bedrohte Völker) on the situation of travelling Roma in Switzerland. The police is on the Roma’s side this time …

– Polizisten raten: «Schafft Plätze». In: Der Bund. 01.11.2017. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/polizisten-raten-schafft-plaetze/story/20987035
– «Messerschleifer sind nur noch wenige». In: Tages Anzeiger. 01.11.2017. https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schweiz/standard/messerschleifer-sind-nur-noch-wenige/story/19294584
