Daily Archives: November 13, 2017

Nelly’s Adventures

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The German Central Council of Sinti and Roma sees itself proven right in having stated that the children movie “Nelly’s Adventures” is actually racist and present a stereotyped view of Roma.

– Nach der Diskussion : Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma sieht seine Kritik am Film ‚Nellys Abenteuer‘ bestätigt: Film produziert Angst vor dem Fremden. Zentralrat Sinti und Roma. 12.11.2017. http://zentralrat.sintiundroma.de/nach-der-diskussion-zentralrat-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-sieht-seine-kritik-am-film-nellys-abenteuer-bestaetigt-film-produziert-angst-vor-dem-fremden/ [link-preview url=”http://zentralrat.sintiundroma.de/nach-der-diskussion-zentralrat-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-sieht-seine-kritik-am-film-nellys-abenteuer-bestaetigt-film-produziert-angst-vor-dem-fremden/”]

Czech Republic under Pressure

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The Czech republic has been under pressure at the UN in Geneva reading Roma and the persisting racism and discrimination against them in the Czech Republic.

– INTÉGRATION DES ROMS ET MONTÉE DU RACISME : L’ONU RECOMMANDE À LA TCHÉQUIE D’EN FAIRE PLUS. In: Radio Praha. 07.11.2017. http://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/faits/integration-des-roms-et-montee-du-racisme-lonu-recommande-a-la-tchequie-den-faire-plus
– LE PRÉSIDENT ZEMAN CRITIQUÉ PAR LES REPRÉSENTANTS DE LA MINORITÉ ROM. In: Radio Praha. 12.11.2017. http://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/infos/le-president-zeman-critique-par-les-representants-de-la-minorite-rom [link-preview url=”http://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/faits/integration-des-roms-et-montee-du-racisme-lonu-recommande-a-la-tchequie-den-faire-plus “]

Is Begging a Right?

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An initiative in the Canton Vaud in Switzerland to forbid begging was approved by the cantonal parliament. It is currently suspended while court proceedings against it are in progress. This raises the question as to whether begging is a right.
Actually, the real question is whether this law was racist as it was aimed solely at Roma begging in the street of Lausanne.

– Mendier est-il un droit fondamental? In: Swiss Info. 08.11.2017. https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/economie/à-la-justice-de-trancher_mendier-est-il-un-droit-fondamental-/43654278 [link-preview url=”https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/economie/à-la-justice-de-trancher_mendier-est-il-un-droit-fondamental-/43654278″]
