Daily Archives: November 16, 2017

SaS Party

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The Liberal and Libertarian Party SaS in Slovakia unveiled their plans for Roma. A new ministry for “socially excluded communities” and help linked to “merit” and willingness to do something.
One can only wonder how this will be measured …

– Politika hrubšej palice nedostane Rómov z pasce chudoby. In: SME. 16.11.2017. https://komentare.sme.sk/c/20695376/politika-hrubsej-palice-nedostane-romov-z-pasce-chudoby.html
– Nicholsonová chce nové ministerstvo pre Rómov. Vládny splnomocnenec krúti hlavou! In: Plus. 13.11.2017. https://www1.pluska.sk/Spravy/Z-domova/Nicholsonova-chce-nove-ministerstvo-pre-Romov.-Vladny-splnomocnenec-len-kruti-hlavou [link-preview url=”https://komentare.sme.sk/c/20695376/politika-hrubsej-palice-nedostane-romov-z-pasce-chudoby.html “]

Professor in Prešov

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A Canadian ethnology professor studying Roma in the Prešov region has been arrested for possession of child pornography and for abducting an 11 years old girl.

– V Prešove zatkli profesora, ktorý skúmal Rómov. V počítači mal detské porno. In: Aktuality. 15.11.2017. https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/539262/v-presove-zatkli-profesora-ktory-skumal-romov-v-pocitaci-mal-detske-porno/ [link-preview url=”https://www.aktuality.sk/clanok/539262/v-presove-zatkli-profesora-ktory-skumal-romov-v-pocitaci-mal-detske-porno/”]

Slovakia: Education or Business

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It seems that some schools in Slovakia are considering Roma children as a business rather than as pupils who need to be taught. In brief, the staff selected children, apparently overwhelmingly Roma, diagnosing them with various health disabilities, which resulted in their subsequent inclusion in a group of pupils with special educational needs where the school could receive more than twice the amount of money than for standard pupils.
Slovakia has a long story of putting Roma children in classes for mentally disabled people – before basically as racism, now for profit…

– Kto zarába na rómskych žiakoch. In: Dennik. 15.11.2017. https://dennikn.sk/blog/kto-zaraba-na-romskych-ziakoch/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/blog/kto-zaraba-na-romskych-ziakoch/”]
