Daily Archives: November 23, 2017

More on Bern …

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More articles on the vote of the Bern parliament in favour of the establishment of a camping site for travellers in the canton.

– Am Schluss gabs bei den Fahrenden ein Selfie. In: Berner Zeitung. 22.1..2017. https://www.bernerzeitung.ch/region/bern/am-schluss-gabs-bei-den-fahrenden-ein-selfie/story/23767423
– Statt «Marschhalts» folgt die Planung des Platzes in Wileroltigen. In: Der Bund. 22.11.2017. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/neuhaus-setzt-sich-mit-seiner-fahrendenpolitik-durch/story/29077277
– Berner BDP will Fahrende vertreiben. In: Nau. 23.11.2017. https://www.nau.ch/news/berner-bdp-macht-gegen-fahrende-stimmung-65269502
– Berner Kantonsparlament gegen Planungsstopp für Transitplätze. In: Swiss Info. 22.11.2017. https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/alle-news-in-kuerze/berner-kantonsparlament-gegen-planungsstopp-fuer-transitplaetze/43697220

Travellers in the UK: Two Stories

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According to one councillor in Bristol, people are fed up of funding an “alternative lifestyle” for travellers, while in Plymouth, they are attempting to find temporary camping sites to avoid travellers “hogging” council land.

– Bristol is ‘fed up’ with ‘subsidising’ the ‘alternative lifestyle’ of travellers. In: Bristol Post. http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bristol-fed-up-subsidising-alternative-815076
– Plans for new traveller sites in Plymouth. In: The Herald. 21.11.2017. http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/plymouth-news/more-traveller-sites-could-introduced-808736

Bern Switzerland: Good News

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The Parliament of the Canton Bern in Switzerland voted against a motion that would have resulted in a stop for the search and construction of a suitable camping site for foreign travellers (mostly Roma and Sinti).
The fact that Switzerland segregates its sites for travellers is actually not acceptable but seems not to be noted by anyone in the country.

– Wileroltigen wird konkret. In: SRF. 22.11.2017. https://www.srf.ch/news/regional/bern-freiburg-wallis/transitplaetze-fuer-fahrende-wileroltigen-wird-konkret
