Daily Archives: November 24, 2017

Bulgaria: Hepatitis

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There is an hepatitis A epidemic in the Roma Mahala in the small town of Rakovski near Plovdiv in the centre of the country. Non Roma parents have been protesting and requesting Roma children be removed from the elementary school.
How about treating them instead?

– Hepatitis A Sparks Protests for Removing Gypsies From an Elementary School. In: EU Scoop. https://www.euscoop.com/en/2017/11/23/gepatitis-infection-in-rakovski
– Roma Ghetto in Southern Bulgarian City Struggling with Hepatitis A Outbreak. In: Novinite. 23.11.2017. http://www.novinite.com/articles/185524/Roma+Ghetto+in+Southern+Bulgarian+City+Struggling+with+Hepatitis+A+Outbreak
