Daily Archives: Dezember 2, 2017

Anti-fascist and …

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Wilhelm Leuschner, a German social democrat and union activist is known in Germany as an anti-fascist and resistant. What is less known is that, while interior minister of the State of Hessen, he introduced strict anti-Roma policies, including forced fingerprinting and registration of the Sinti and Roma in Hessen.
This information was later used to deport and kill them.

– Vorbild mit Schattenseiten. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 01.12.2017. http://www.fr.de/rhein-main/landespolitik/wilhelm-leuschner-vorbild-mit-schattenseiten-a-1398570

No Surprises …

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A recent Slovak survey showed that a very large majority of Slovaks does not want to live close to Moslems or to Roma. Roma come out worse in the survey.
No surprises, but really bad results across the party lines.

– Slováci sú stále intolerantní, ukázal prieskum: Nechceme bývať vedľa Rómov, ani moslimov. In: Topky. 02.12.2017. http://www.topky.sk/cl/10/1672795/Slovaci-su-stale-intolerantni–ukazal-prieskum–Nechceme-byvat-vedla-Romov–ani-moslimov

Slovenia: Partisan Massacre

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An excavation of mass graves dating back to World War Two in Slovenia uncovered the remains of 53 Roma, amongst which there were several children. The Roma were shot in 1942 by Yugoslav Partisans.
Roma massacres were not just done by Ustaša and Germans …

– Partizanski pokol Romov pri Ljubljani: izkopali so ostanke 53 ljudi, med žrtvami tudi otroci. In: Reporter. 30.11.2017. http://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/partizanski-pokol-romov-v-iski-izkopali-so-ostanke-53-ljudi-med-zrtvami-tudi-otroci-608100
– “Preventivno uničenje” zaradi strahu pred izdajo – v Iški odkrito množično grobišče Romov. In: RTV. 30.11.2017. https://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/preventivno-unicenje-zaradi-strahu-pred-izdajo-v-iski-odkrito-mnozicno-grobisce-romov/439284
– 53 ROMOV NAJ BI POBILI PARTIZANI. In: DNEVNIK. 30.11.2017. http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/dnevnik/174505815
