Daily Archives: Dezember 9, 2017

Stumbling Stones in Vienna

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A series of stumbling stones commemorating victims of the Holocaust, among them Roma, are set up in Vienna.
At a time where Vienna is again taking a sharp right turn, this is a reminder of what such policies can lead to.

– Vienna’s Dark WWII History is Literally Embedded in its Streets. In: Vice. 08.12.2017. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/7xw84a/viennas-dark-wwii-history-is-literally-embedded-in-its-streets

Slovakia, Labour Shortage, and Roma

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An article about some of the factories in Slovakia, who, faced with labour shortages decided to try to employ some of the estimated 100’000 Roma who have no job in that country.
And guess what, it works … Not always simple in the beginning, but it works!

– Firmy ukazujú, že zamestnávanie Rómov má riešenie. In: Pravda. 09.12.2017. https://profesia.pravda.sk/zamestnanie/clanok/450180-firmy-ukazuju-ze-zamestnatelnost-romov-je-riesitelna/
