Daily Archives: Dezember 24, 2017

A View from a Sintica

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What does it mean to grow up in Germany as a Sintica… And what stereotypes one is exposed to.

– masala 11 – „Ich habe gedacht, du wohnst im Wohnwagen“ In: Masala Magazin. 17.12.2017. https://masalamagazin.wordpress.com/2017/12/16/masala-11-ich-habe-gedacht-du-wohnst-im-wohnwagen/ [link-preview url=”https://masalamagazin.wordpress.com/2017/12/16/masala-11-ich-habe-gedacht-du-wohnst-im-wohnwagen/”]

A View from a Sintica

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What does it mean to grow up in Germany as a Sintica… And what stereotypes one is exposed to.

– masala 11 – „Ich habe gedacht, du wohnst im Wohnwagen“ In: Masala Magazin. 17.12.2017. https://masalamagazin.wordpress.com/2017/12/16/masala-11-ich-habe-gedacht-du-wohnst-im-wohnwagen/ [link-preview url=”https://masalamagazin.wordpress.com/2017/12/16/masala-11-ich-habe-gedacht-du-wohnst-im-wohnwagen/”]

Sofia: No carriages

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Another article on the new interdiction of horse drawn carriages in the centre of Sofia. This deprives many Roma of their only source of income.

– Les charrettes ne sont plus le dada de Sofia qui accueille l’UE. In: Swiss Info. 22.12.2017. https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/les-charrettes-ne-sont-plus-le-dada-de-sofia-qui-accueille-l-ue/43776542 [link-preview url=”https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/les-charrettes-ne-sont-plus-le-dada-de-sofia-qui-accueille-l-ue/43776542″]

Sofia: No carriages

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Another article on the new interdiction of horse drawn carriages in the centre of Sofia. This deprives many Roma of their only source of income.

– Les charrettes ne sont plus le dada de Sofia qui accueille l’UE. In: Swiss Info. 22.12.2017. https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/les-charrettes-ne-sont-plus-le-dada-de-sofia-qui-accueille-l-ue/43776542 [link-preview url=”https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/les-charrettes-ne-sont-plus-le-dada-de-sofia-qui-accueille-l-ue/43776542″]

French Chronicle …

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Very few news on Roma this week in France. Well, it’s Christmas week so bad news and Roma are not required to fill the papers.
First, a reportage on children of “Gitans” on M6 on January 7th. Just from the title and description, this doesn’t look good. Then, in Paris, an article on what happened to the inhabitants of a camp that was closed recently: Only 120 of the 300 people were taken care of, and some were proposed housing far from the schools of their children. In fact, children were removed from school rooters. Shame on them. Near Paris, a centre for integrated Roma will be put in place, whatever this means and will do. In Marseilles, the judges ponder on property rights following the fire in a squat that killed one person. In Montpellier, one again speaks about mistreatment of animals in a camp, while in Nantes, a solidarity movement is under way to help homeless and migrants. Finally, in Breizh Info (a really rabid news channel, a title page of three Roma who stole sheep and sold their meat.

– Enfants de gitans : document dimanche 7 janvier à 21 heures sur M6. In: Le Blog TV News. 19.12.2017. http://www.leblogtvnews.com/2017/12/enfants-de-gitans-document-dimanche-7-janvier-a-21-heures-sur-m6.html
– Hébergement Où sont passés les habitants du bidonville de la Chapelle ? In: L’Humanité. 19.12.2017. https://humanite.fr/hebergement-ou-sont-passes-les-habitants-du-bidonville-de-la-chapelle-647488
– Lagny-sur-Marne : les Roms intégrés accueillis sur le terrain du pôle solidaire. In: Le Parisien. 18.12.2017. https://fr.news.yahoo.com/lagny-marne-roms-intégrés-accueillis-terrain-pôle-solidaire-101815704.html
– Le droit de propriété perd sa prevalence. In: La Marseillaise. 23.12.2017. http://www.lamarseillaise.fr/marseille/faits-divers-justice/66248-le-droit-de-propriete-perd-sa-prevalence
– Montpellier : des chiens maltraités secourus dans un camp à Celleneuve. In: Midi Libre. 21.12.2017. http://www.midilibre.fr/2017/12/21/montpellier-des-chiens-maltraites-saisis-dans-un-camp-a-celleneuve,1606258.php
– Nantes. Un appel inédit pour les sans-abri. In: Ouest France. 21.12.2017. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/nantes-un-appel-inedit-pour-les-sans-abri-5460695
– Orvault : trois Roms volaient, abattaient et revendaient des moutons. In Breizh Info. 18.12.2017. https://www.breizh-info.com/2017/12/18/84545/orvault-trois-roms-volaient-abattaient-revendaient-moutons [link-preview url=”https://humanite.fr/hebergement-ou-sont-passes-les-habitants-du-bidonville-de-la-chapelle-647488″]
