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Daily Archives: Dezember 31, 2017
Last 2017 French Chronicle …
Not much news over the Christmas week in France. When there are other news, the 15 to 20 thousand Roma living in camps do not take much space in the press.
Christmas celebration with Roma in Nantes, near their camp; in Angers, portraits of forgotten Roma who were expulsed a while back in November; near Paris, social housing is being opened for a few families; and finally in the North, a caravan burnt down in a camp near Lilles.
– Nantes. Un Noël précaire pour les enfants roms du quai Wilson. In: Ouest France. 26.12.2017. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/nantes-un-noel-precaire-pour-les-enfants-roms-du-quai-wilson-5472023
– Ce jour de novembre, au campement des oubliés. In: Ouest France. 29.12.2017. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/maine-et-loire/ce-jour-de-novembre-au-campement-des-oublies-5477808
– Marne-et-Gondoire ► Des logements pour les Roms au pôle solidaire et une aire d’accueil pour les gens du voyage. In: MagJournal. 26.12.2017. http://www.magjournal77.fr/marne-et-gondoire-des-logements-pour-les-roms-au-pole-solidaire-et-une-aire-daccueil-pour-les-gens-du-voyage/
– Une caravane prend feu dans un camp de familles roms, pas de blesse. In: La Voix du Nord. 29.12.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/288444/article/2017-12-29/une-caravane-prend-feu-dans-un-camp-de-familles-roms-pas-de-blesse [link-preview url=”https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/nantes-un-noel-precaire-pour-les-enfants-roms-du-quai-wilson-5472023 “]
One Rotten Apple
Yet another illustration that one rotten apple is sufficient to drag us all down into stereotypes. This is the ongoing case of the Mafia in Ostia, the former Rome port on the Tiber, a Mafia where one of the main gang and bosses are Sinti.
– Ostia, sigilli alla sala slot feudo del clan Spada. In: Roma Republica. 27.12.2017. http://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2017/12/27/news/ostia_sigilli_alla_sala_slot_feudo_del_clan_spada-185321351/ [link-preview url=”http://roma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2017/12/27/news/ostia_sigilli_alla_sala_slot_feudo_del_clan_spada-185321351/”]
Saul Friedlander
The writer and Hamburg native Saul Friendlander is interviewed in the context of the inauguration on the 27th of December of a monument on the site of the Hannover railway station. From this place, more than 8’000 Jews, Roma, Sinti and others were sent to their death. Saul Friedlander survived.
He is afraid of the increased denial of the Holocaust. So are we.
– “Meine Heimat ist meine Geschichte”. In: Der Spiegel. 27.12.2017. http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/historiker-saul-friedlaender-a-1147717.html [link-preview url=”http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/historiker-saul-friedlaender-a-1147717.html”]
Schools in UK …
A long article on the discriminations faced by Roma and Travellers’ children in UK schools, with a disproportionally large number of them being expelled.
– Why are Gypsy children often expelled from UK schools? In: Al Jazeera. 30.12.2017. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/12/gypsy-children-expelled-uk-schools-171229075235572.html [link-preview url=”http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/12/gypsy-children-expelled-uk-schools-171229075235572.html”]