Daily Archives: Januar 2, 2018

Slovenia: New Law

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The new law on Roma community has been undergoing public hearing. During this period, 16 complaints were received at the Nationalities Office on the proposed amendments to the law on the Roma community. While, according to some Romani organizations, there are some positive ideas, others point to an even greater discrimination against the Roma and think that the proposed change in the composition of the Council of the Roma community are not positive.
To be watched.

– V javni razpravi o romskem zakonu pripombe na sestavo sveta romske skupnosti in opozorila o diskriminaciji. In: STA. 31.12.2017. https://www.sta.si/2466367/v-javni-razpravi-o-romskem-zakonu-pripombe-na-sestavo-sveta-romske-skupnosti-in-opozorila-o-diskriminaciji [link-preview url=”https://www.sta.si/2466367/v-javni-razpravi-o-romskem-zakonu-pripombe-na-sestavo-sveta-romske-skupnosti-in-opozorila-o-diskriminaciji”]


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Yet another example of what really doesn’t bring much benefits to anyone:
The Social Work Center Črnomelj has conducted a series of workshops for children and adolescents within the framework of the Roma Assistance Program for Socialization in the Multipurpose Roma Center. Four Fridays in a row, 17 different children spent the afternoons in the VNRC. The themes of the workshops were appropriate for the annual time, that is, the Christmas decoration and New Year themes.
What does this bring?

– Delavnice v Večnamenskem Romskem centru. In: Lokalno. 01.01.2018. http://www.lokalno.si/2018/01/01/188324/zgodba/Delavnice_v_Vecnamenskem_Romskem_centru/ [link-preview url=”http://www.lokalno.si/2018/01/01/188324/zgodba/Delavnice_v_Vecnamenskem_Romskem_centru/”]

First and Second Diaspora

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A portrait of an Indian physicist who studied in Moscow, married in Czechoslovakia and has since lived in the Ostrava region. He founded an association called Mutual Collaboration, which implemented a number of successful programs for Roma in the Ostrava region and in the Moravian-Silesian Region in an effort to bring them closer together to the majority population. He has received several awards and general respect from all sides: from politicians, Roma, police of the Czech Republic, foundations and embassies. He has no problem to stand in the middle of a crowd and calm them down. With his conduct, patience and grace, he has also received grudging respect from some of the extremists.

– Mohol žiť ako boháč v Indii, vyštudoval fyziku v Moskve, radšej však pracuje s Rómami v Česku. In: Dennik. 31.12.2017. https://dennikn.sk/961326/mohol-zit-ako-bohac-v-indii-ale-vystudoval-fyziku-v-moskve-a-pracuje-s-romami-v-cesku/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/961326/mohol-zit-ako-bohac-v-indii-ale-vystudoval-fyziku-v-moskve-a-pracuje-s-romami-v-cesku/”]
