Daily Archives: Januar 22, 2018

Poland: Legal Wrangle

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Last episode on a legal wrangle following the decree of the Limanova government who wanted to forbid Roma from applying for a flat in a new planned building in the centre of the town.
Having lost at the Vojevode level, the Limanova authorities appealed and have righlty lost again.

– Czchów przegrywa w NSA. In: Limanowa. 18.01.2018. https://limanowa.in/wydarzenia;nsa-odrzucil-skargi-na-kontrowersyjne-zarzadzenie-ws-domu-dla-romow,39874.html [link-preview url=”https://limanowa.in/wydarzenia;nsa-odrzucil-skargi-na-kontrowersyjne-zarzadzenie-ws-domu-dla-romow,39874.html”]

Litzmannstadt Ghetto

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An article about the tragic fate of the Roma in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. The Roma part of the Ghetto was liquidated 76 years ago. Many of the Roma there came from the Austrian Burgenland.
May they rest in peace.

– Tragiczna historia Romów z Litzmannstadt Ghetto. In: Dzeinnik Łodzki. 18.01.2018. https://plus.dzienniklodzki.pl/historia/a/tragiczna-historia-romow-z-litzmannstadt-ghetto,12854450 [link-preview url=”https://plus.dzienniklodzki.pl/historia/a/tragiczna-historia-romow-z-litzmannstadt-ghetto,12854450″]

France: Kosovo Roma

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An article about Kosovo Roma who have recently arrived in Western France and who are de-facto stateless, as Kosovo refuses to register them.
Bad, and this since 18 years …

– Ces Kosovars qui errent toute la journée en ville. In: Ouest France. 19.01.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/le-mans-72000/ces-kosovars-qui-errent-toute-la-journee-en-ville-5514069 [link-preview url=”https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/le-mans-72000/ces-kosovars-qui-errent-toute-la-journee-en-ville-5514069″]
